A script for configuring your vim as IDE for c++
- Ubuntu
- python3
Once you clone the repository, execute the following steps:
- cd /path/to/vim-cpp
- chmod +x install_cpp_configuration.sh
- ./install_cpp_configuration.sh
Once you successfully installed the script, go into your CMake project and generate the compile command file:
- cd /path/to/your/project
- mkdir build
- cd build
- mv compile_commands.json ../
Do not forget to do above procedure each time you add new libraries to your CMakeLists.txt.
Go to main folder of your project and launch vim:
vim .
- press Ctrl+l for generating the ctags
- press F8 for reloading the .vimrc file
Now your vim environment works perfectly with auto-complete activated.
If you need help with the main vim shortcuts, you can press F12 and a list of the main shorcuts I made will appear into your vim terminal.
Please if you have any improvement, write me an email: andrea[dot]pennisi[at]gmail[dot]com.