- 3 way integration update Netsuite andd an external order system, with attributes/data kept/pushed both ways, in internal app DB.
Current open orders taken from internal db, compared in Netsuite, last_modified_date, data pulled from Netsuite and update internal app db. Then set bo_statuses in internal app db before processing all open then closed orders into XML format to be pushed to two different bo endpoints in the required XML formatted nodes. Uses UUId ids for sales orders.
You'll need the following installed to run the template successfully:
- Ruby 2.5 or higher
- bundler -
gem install bundler
- rails -
gem install rails
- Database - we recommend Postgres, but you can use MySQL, SQLite3, etc
- Redis - For ActionCable & Sidekiq support
- ImageMagick or libvips for ActiveStorage variants
- Yarn -
brew install yarn
or Install Yarn - Foreman global (optional) -
gem install foreman
- helps run all your processes in development
- Place "config.include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods" in RSpec.config (/spec/rails_helper) & uncomment Dir join line, comment out the fixture line.
- application.rb - generators, optional values placed as below, amend/add others as needed
config.generators do |g| g.orm :active_record g.orm :active_record, primary_key_type: :uuid g.orm :active_record, foreign_key_type: :uuid g.template_engine :erb g.test_framework :rspec, fixture: false g.fixture_replacement :factory_bot, dir: 'spec/factories' g.stylesheets false g.javascripts false g.helper false g.system_tests nil end
After setup complete, check above generators are set, In current migration files, for UUIDs, ensure uncommented config generator lines, place lines in all migrations as below:
create table lines: insert after the table name: ", id: :uuid" # minus quotes, sets Primary key uuid
foreign_key lines: append: ", type: :uuid" # minus quotes, sets Foreign key uuid
$ rails db:migrate:reset
- All future models will have UUIDs on creation
email: Faker::Internet.email,
password: Faker::Internet.password,
first_name: Faker::Name.first_name,
last_name: Faker::Name.last_name,
admin: false,
announcements_last_read_at: Time.current
Recommended To have globally per ruby version for use in projects and templates (dont forget rehash if rbenv)
gem install foreman gem install bundler-audit gem install lefthook gem install ransack (esp if template not complete properly) gem install spreadsheet_architect (esp if template not complete properly)
rails new myapp -d postgresql -m template.rb
❓Having trouble? Try adding DISABLE_SPRING=1
before rails new
. Spring will get confused if you create an app with the same name twice.
You can also run them in separate terminals manually if you prefer.
A separate Procfile
is generated for deploying to production on Heroku.
After migration field/column added,
Can be adjusted in application_controler, example below add a github_link
def configure_permitted_parameters devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:sign_up, keys: [:name, :avatar, :github_link]) devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:account_update, keys: [:name, :avatar]) end
and add to the create method in onmniauth_controller
github_link: auth.info.github_link
- Setup We recommend putting your interactions in app/interactions. It's also very helpful to group them by model. That way you can look in app/interactions/accounts for all the ways you can interact with accounts.
- app/
- controllers/
- accounts_controller.rb
- interactions/
- accounts/
- create_account.rb
- destroy_account.rb
- find_account.rb
- list_accounts.rb
- update_account.rb
- accounts/
- models/
- account.rb
- views/
- account/
- edit.html.erb
- index.html.erb
- new.html.erb
- show.html.erb
- account/
- controllers/
We use the encrypted Rails Credentials for app_id and app_secrets when it comes to omniauth authentication. Edit them as so:
EDITOR=nano rails credentials:edit
Make sure your file follow this structure:
secret_key_base: [your-key]
app_id: something
app_secret: something
scope: "user:email"
whatever: true
app_id: something
app_secret: something
scope: "user:email"
whatever: true
With the environment, the service and the app_id/app_secret. If this is done correctly, you should see login links
for the services you have added to the encrypted credentials using EDITOR=vim rails credentials:edit
brew update
brew install redis
brew services start redis
sudo apt-get install redis-server
rails db:drop
spring stop
cd ..
rm -rf myapp