Prevent 'undefined' error when viewing the dashboard (or charts) listview in an anonymous mode.
How to reproduce the bug
Reproduce the error as follows:
Allow anonymous access by setting PUBLIC_ROLE_LIKE = "Gamma"
Without logging in, click on dashboards or charts. This error displays:
Unexpected error:ListViewError: Invalid filter config, id is not present in columns
Expected results
Dashboards/charts must be visible without any issues/errors.
Actual result
This issue observed when we make upgrade from v1.3 to v1.4
(please complete the following information):
- browser type and version:
Chrome Version 97.0.4692.71
- superset version:
- python version:
Python 3.7.5
- node.js version:
- I have checked the superset logs for python stacktraces and included it here as text if there are any.
- I have reproduced the issue with at least the latest released version of superset.
- I have checked the issue tracker for the same issue and I haven't found one similar.
Additional context
Browser console log:
ListViewError: Invalid filter config, id is not present in columns
at 87c5db28d6d4ce263182.chunk.js:932:15
at Array.forEach ()
at ListView (87c5db28d6d4ce263182.chunk.js:930:13)
at oh (vendors.866d9853ec9ca701f3b8.entry.js:54972:146)
at Rj (vendors.866d9853ec9ca701f3b8.entry.js:55080:496)
at Qj (vendors.866d9853ec9ca701f3b8.entry.js:55065:199)
at Kj (vendors.866d9853ec9ca701f3b8.entry.js:55065:128)
at yj (vendors.866d9853ec9ca701f3b8.entry.js:55058:172)
at vendors.866d9853ec9ca701f3b8.entry.js:54942:115
at exports.unstable_runWithPriority (vendors.866d9853ec9ca701f3b8.entry.js:55173:467)