SIP-48: Using Ant Design as our primary component library
Speed, consistency, and clarity.
Since the adoption of SIP-34 means a significant amount of view layer code is overdue for an update, there is ample justification to reevaluate our current UI library choices. As such, this SIP recommends introducing Ant Design to Superset and migrating away from the majority of our current view focused dependencies (e.g. React-Bootstrap).
Why Ant? Out of the box, Ant Design supplies over 60 different enterprise-ready React components, all of which are richly documented, cleanly styled, and accommodate a wide range of use-cases. That's right, this isn't just another markup wrapper like React-Boostrap; these components actually manage some of the stateful UI logic for you. We even get Typescript typings for all of the props. That's a lot from just one library, but that's why Antd has the most stars of any component library on github.
As a direct side-effect of this feature set, we can cut our view layer's dependency tree significantly. You'll see the exact packages we can replace further down in this SIP. Fewer dependencies means fewer things to manage. Fewer things to manage means fewer things to learn. In the long run, we'll end up with one primary source of docs to read and one standard way of building things.
From a visual standpoint, Antd is already pretty close to the designs proposed in SIP-34. We won't really need to create new styles like we were planning, just adjust some theming variables. This also saves designers work since it comes with mockup kits for Sketch, Figma, etc.
Its also worth mentioning that Antd just has some really great patterns for things that I hope the community will absorb by osmosis. If you want an example, have a look at the Menu and Button components.
Proposed Changes
Replace the majority of our UI view-layer dependencies with Ant Design components.
Changes to Public Interfaces
None that I know of.
New Dependencies
The only new dependency is ant-design, which will add a comparably small footprint of 2.2mb compressed. Given one of the goal of Antd is to remove dependencies though, let's take a look at how we'll be able to shrink our dependencies list.
Now | Future |
re-resizable | ant-design |
omnibar | re-resizable |
react-ace | react-color |
react-avatar | react-dnd |
react-bootstrap | react-dnd-html5-backend |
react-bootstrap-dialog | react-json-tree |
react-bootstrap-slide | react-markdown |
react-checkbox-tree | react-router-dom |
react-color | react-virtualized (or react-window) |
react-datetime | syntax-highlighter |
react-dnd | react-ace |
react-dnd-html5-backend | |
react-gravatar | |
react-json-tree | |
react-jsonschema-form | |
react-markdown | |
react-router-dom | |
react-search-input | |
react-select | |
react-select-async-paginate | |
react-select-fast-filter-options | |
react-sortable-hoc | |
react-split | |
react-sticky | |
react-syntax-highlighter | |
react-table | |
react-transition-group | |
react-ultimate-pagination | |
react-virtualized | |
react-virtualized-auto-sizer | |
react-virtualized-select | |
react-window | |
Reactable-arc |
Note: As a follow up to this SIP, we should establish a process to regularly review and deprecate unwanted or obsolete packages.
Migration Plan and Compatibility
Ant Design should be incorporated incrementally.
- Old components will be rewritten to use Antd as we incorporate the SIP-34 designs.
- New components should start using Antd right away (where designs permit).
Dependencies should be dropped as soon as they are no longer needed, but we should regularly review the dependency tree and prioritize deprecation of packages as needed.
Temporary Namespacing
Antd wasn't designed to play with other large design systems like Bootstrap, so as an extra precaution, we'll need to go with a namespacing strategy to prevent conflicts.
Since Antd is LESS-based and makes use of the "&" selector though, we won't just be able to throw it behind a classname.
As a work around, the LESS files will need to be preprocessed with our theme variables into a CSS file and then included in the app's LESS under the ".ant" namespace. This will involve some additional build process overhead, but we can eliminate it as soon as we've removed the major sources of conflict, like Bootstrap. 😃
Using Antd under the namespace
Each entry point should wrap the app in an Antd Config Provider component that passes down the global antd config.
import { ConfigProvider } from 'antd'
import antdConfig from '../antdConfig.ts'
const App = () => {
<ConfigProvider {...antdConfig}>
{// ...}
Each component that uses antd will need to ensure there is an ancestor element with the ".antd" class applied.
Turns out, none of this is necessary thanks to some clever overwriting of Ant's globals. Just include Ant components directly.
Styling Overrides
Antd components can have their default styling overridden using Emotion (per SIP-37) just like the existing React-Bootstrap components can. I recommend modifying the Antd theme variables first and only using Emotion if fine-tuned customization is required.
The work comprising this SIP closely parallels that of the Superset design system under construction as part of SIP-34. This opens up an opportunity to maintain a Superset component library that's kept in step with the design system as it develops in Figma. We recommend, as part of this SIP, creating a Storybook in order to continually check the engineering implementation against reference designs, and to act as a "toolbox" of sanctioned Superset components that engineers can leverage to build interfaces. There needn't be "stories" for every component of Ant Design, but they would be useful for either composited components (e.g. cards, controls, lists) or for highly-customized key components (e.g. the Button, in all its varied permutations).
Rejected Alternatives
Using another library
Material UI
Material is probably the best alternative to Antd, but it ultimately loses out because it doesn't integrate with Typescript as well. I also tend to find the patterns it offers are less mature.
Semantic UI
Semantic's repo is isn't very healthy with the core leadership now focused on Fluent. That aside, Antd does more and has better documentation.
Fluent UI
Since I mentioned it, I might as well address it. This could be good in the future, but the library looks a bit too much like Microsoft Office and isn't as feature rich. Next.
Building our own
The reasons for rejecting this are pretty obvious, but to make a case against it, it all comes down to reinventing the wheel. We will never be able to achieve the same level of richness and quality that a library like Antd offers without investing countless hours into recreating the work they've already provided. Let's spend that time making Superset awesome instead.
Implemented / Done