This issue is intended to track to immigrate every plugin test-cases back main repo. The plugin test development guide doc is
working list
done list
- httpclient-4.3.x-scenario
- gateway-scenario
- dubbo-scenario
- solrj-scenario
- spring-async-scenario
- spring-scenario
- jetty-scenario
- kafka-scenario
- canal-scenario
- postgresql-scenario
- sofarpc-scenario
- mongodb-3.x-scenario
- elasticsearch-5.x-scenario
- undertow-routing-scenario
- undertow-scenario
- apm-toolkit-trace-scenario
dubbox-scenario. Dubbox has been merged into Dubbo officially, the test case is not required. - httpasyncclient-scenario
- webflux-scenario
- customize-scenario
- redisson-scenario
- jedis-scenario
jdk-cross-thread-scenarioThis test has been included in apm-toolkit-trace-scenario. - feign-scenario
- rabbitmq-scenario
- grpc-scenario
- hystrix-scenario
- okhttp-scenario
- mysql-scenario
- gson-scenario
- pulsar-scenario
- oracle-scenario
- jdk-http-scenario
- cassandra-java-driver-3.x-scenario
- lettuce-scenario
- servicecomb-0.x-scenario
- zookeeper-scenario
- shardingsphere-scenario
- play-scenario
- activemq-scenario
- h2-struts-scenario
- vertx-eventbus-3.x-scenario
- vertx-web-3.x-scenario
todo list
- header-scenario
- light4j-1.6.x-scenario
- motan-scenario
- resteasy-scenario
- rocketMQ-scenario
- spring-with-qualified-op-name-scenario
- spring-with-request-method-op-name-scenario