Volunteer help
Volunteer help
Dear community,
As shenyu becomes more and more popular, it accommodates diverse needs. I've proposed some of the more important features, so if you're interested, please join us!
Next Version(2.7.0)
waiting for 2.6.1 released
1. Support Java 17
- change pom.xml java version
- change shenyu-dist/shenyu-admin-dist or shenyu-bootstrap-dist/bin
- check checkstyle
[type:feat] upgrade dockerfile java runtime version 8 to 17 #5374
2. Upgrade SpringBoot to 3.x
Now, SpringBoot has been upgraded to 3.x version, and the SpringBoot 2.x version will not be supported in the near future.
- upgrade shenyu pom.xml
3. ShenYu Admin cluster mode design and implement
- Design shenyu admin cluster model
- Admin distributed lock by spring-integration-mysql
- Implement ShenYu admin cluster model
- Add e2e shenyu admin cluster test case
[type:feature] ShenYu Admin Cluster #5544
4. ShenYu NameSpace Supports
- support shenyu admin and shenyu bootstrap namespace
5. Display Service Instance List
- Add discovery service instance code for shenyu admin
- Add discovery service instance code for apache/shenyu-dashboard
- Design discovery service instance UI
6.SpringCloud Dynamic route based on discovery
7. Optimize ShenYu dashboard
- optimize ShenYu dashboard
8. Enhance metrics plugin
- Add rate-limit/Circuit Breaker plugin statistics to the metrics plugin
[type:feature] Enhance metrics collection for Sentinel, Resilience4j, and Hystrix #5468
[type:feature] enhance metrics-ratelimiter collect #5461
9. Enhance Kubernetes supports
- Automatically sense the pod's HPA elastic scaling, dynamically adjusting the rate-limiting and circuit-breaking configurations for instance services
- k8s offline HTTP API implement
10. Rewrite plugin enhance
- Support all proxy plugin @loongs-zhang
11. Plugin lifecycle and Chain lifecycle
- plugin lifecycle @moremind
- chain lifecycle
12. Refactor match cache
13. Request record & replay
- request record
- request replay
14. Config ShenYu based on Service #5524
If you have any questions, feel email to to discuss, or just reply to.