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- I searched in the issues and found nothing similar.
Since 2.11
Minimal reproduce step
Topic policies are stored in system topics and stored as PulsarEvent instances which are serialized using Avro. The PulsarEvent can contain a TopicPoliciesEvent when it's eventType is TOPIC_POLICY. The TopicPoliciesEvent contains the TopicPolicies instance.
The problem is that TopicPolicies instances are cached and these cached instances are mutable in a non-thread safe way.
What did you expect to see?
TopicPolicies handling should be thread safe.
What did you see instead?
Thread safety concerns aren't covered in TopicPolicies.
Anything else?
There was a similar issue in mutating namespace policies, #9711. That was fixed with an approach where the shared instances are never mutated. The shared/cached instance is cloned and the clone is mutated.
Are you willing to submit a PR?
- I'm willing to submit a PR!