Existing steps to create a new tenant for e.g a server tenant: don't seem to be correct and invoking the actual API endpoint (/tenants) returns a 400 error even if there are untagged servers available in the environment. For e.g below payload
"tenantRole" : "SERVER",
"tenantName" : "Demo",
"offlineInstances" : 1,
"realtimeInstances" : 0
with a single untagged server available in cluster, yielded below error:
"code": 400,
"error": "Cannot request more offline instances: 1 or realtime instances: 0 than total instances: 0"
In addition there is no reason why you can't have more than one tag assigned to same server, so not sure if below in documentation is correct:
"The creation will fail if number of untagged server nodes is less than offlineInstances + realtimeInstances."
When you do this through the Pinot console then it actually calls a diff. API endpt. (/updateTags) vs. what's in docs.
@mayankshriv @npawar can we please review if above is accurate conclusion and fix the docs ?