The decoding is localized to reading records from the database (on the client side) which is normalizing to the HTTP default charset ISO-8859-1 instead of UTF-8.
As a sanity check, I confirmed that for a sample code:
function main() {
var frenchMessage = "Le périphérique est connecté";
var chineseMesage = "装置被连接";
return ({"fr": frenchMessage, "zh-Hans": chineseMesage});
The record is stored correctly in the database. If I were to encode the string using base64 encoding and logging the result, the activation result and logs are correctly stored in the database:
function main() {
var msg = 'eyJmciI6IkxlIHDDqXJpcGjDqXJpcXVlIGVzdCBjb25uZWN0w6kiLCJ6aC1IYW5zIjoi6KOF572u6KKr6L+e5o6lIn0=';
var dec = new Buffer(msg, 'base64').toString('utf-8');
var res = JSON.parse(dec);
return res;
results in this activation record:
"response": {
"statusCode": 0,
"result": {
"fr": "Le périphérique est connecté",
"zh-Hans": "装置被连接"
"logs": [
"2016-04-23T13:36:16.030199912Z stdout: {\"fr\":\"Le périphérique est connecté\",\"zh-Hans\":\"装置被连接\"}"
@psuter FYI this is true both using the Cloudant SDK as well as the Spray client.