谁在使用 Dubbo3
我们期望通过这个 issue 了解更多的 Dubbo3 的社区用户信息,并借此与社区用户建立更多的联系,了解社区用户对 Dubbo3 的使用方式及遇到的问题,以更好的帮助用户解决问题,推动 3.0 的演进及生态发展。
您也可以在此查看 Dubbo2 用户 #1012
您可以告诉我们使用 Dubbo3 的经验及遇到的问题,包括:
- 您看中的 Dubbo3 的重要特性
- Dubbo2 的使用经验,迁移到 Dubbo3 的相关经验
- 最期望看到 Dubbo3 提供的特性或配套支持
- 任何对 Dubbo3 的期待
- 您所在的公司名称
- 您的公司所在城市
- 您的联系方式:邮箱、Github ID 等
Dubbo 在 6 月份发布了 3.0 的首个正式版本,随后阿里巴巴各条业务线包括淘宝、考拉、饿了么、钉钉、达摩院等业务线都已陆续上线 3.0 版本,其他公司如小米、工商银行等也引入了 3.0 版本的新特性。Dubbo3 仍在持续演进之中,未来一段时间在持续推进稳定性、支持社区用户的同时,我们将继续加强规划功能、生态、文档等建设,让 Dubbo3 继续成为引领云原生时代的服务框架。
Who's Using Dubbo3
We hope to collect more information about Dubbo3 enterprise users through this issue so as to establish more contacts with the users to understand questions like:
How do users use Dubbo3?
What do users use Dubbo3 for?
What are the problems encountered when using Dubbo3?
Please find more Dubbo2 users here: #1012
We hope that by doing this we can be able to better promote the evolution and ecological development of Dubbo3.
You can tell us your experience and problems in using Dubbo 3, including:
- What are the important features of Dubbo3 you like
- Experience in Dubbo2, and how do you manage to migrate to Dubbo3
- Most excited features you want to see to be supported by Dubbo3
- Any expectations for Dubbo3
At the same time, I hope you can leave relevant personal or corporate informations:
- Your company name
- Your company City
- Your contact information: email, GitHub ID, etc
Dubbo released its first official version of 3.0 in June 2021. Then, Most of Alibaba's business units, including Taobao, Koala, Eleme, DingTalk, and Damo have successively migrated to Dubbo3 to support their online services. Other community companies such as Xiaomi and ICBC have also introduced new features of version 3.0. In the future, while continuing to promote stability and support community users, we will release more features according to the community roadmap, boot our ecosystem, and provide better documentation. Hoping that Dubbo 3 will continue to become the leading service framework in the Cloud Native age.