Weekly Report of Dubbo
This is a weekly report of Dubbo. It summarizes what have changed in the project during the passed week, including pr merged, new contributors, and more things in the future.
It is all done by @dubbo-bot which is a collaborate robot.
Repo Overview
Basic data
Baisc data shows how the watch, star, fork and contributors count changed in the passed week.
Watch | Star | Fork | Contributors |
3193 | 24718 (↑174) | 13992 (↑93) | 179 (↑3) |
Issues & PRs
Issues & PRs show the new/closed issues/pull requests count in the passed week.
New Issues | Closed Issues | New PR | Merged PR |
22 | 17 | 18 | 13 |
PR Overview
Thanks to contributions from community, Dubbo team merged 13 pull requests in the repository last week. They are:
- allow addressListner to return new addressList for filtering (#3572)
- a more elegant way (#3567)
- allow the properties config to be extend (#3563)
- [Dubbo-3557] Fix NPE when package of interface is empty. (#3557)
- Modify MetadataReportRetry ThreadName (#3550)
- fix issue NPE occurred when the configuration was deleted. #3533 (#3548)
- remove getAttributeMap of ServiceMetada (#3542)
- fix issue @Reference check=false doesn't take effect #195: @reference check=false不生效 (#3530)
- fix issue setOnreturn doesn't take effect in async generic invocation #208: 异步泛化调用设置setOnreturn无效 2.5.3版本 (#3528)
- fix issue monitor's cluster config is set to failsafe and set to failsafe only. #274: monitor的cluster一定是failsafe的,而且无法修改 (#3523)
- fix issue#538: 关于dubbo中获取本机IP的问题 (#3520)
- [Enhancement] inline the source code of spring-context-support (#3225)
- [Dubbo-2298] Add Annotation-Driven for MethodConfig and ArgumentConfig (#2603)
Code Review Statistics
Dubbo encourages everyone to participant in code review, in order to improve software quality. Every week @dubbo-bot would automatically help to count pull request reviews of single github user as the following. So, try to help review code in this project.
Contributor ID | Pull Request Reviews |
@chickenlj | 6 |
@lixiaojiee | 2 |
@kezhenxu94 | 2 |
@carryxyh | 1 |
@ralf0131 | 1 |
@htynkn | 1 |
@Bricks-Man | 1 |
@beiwei30 | 1 |
Contributors Overview
It is Dubbo team's great honor to have new contributors from community. We really appreciate your contributions. Feel free to tell us if you have any opinion and please share this open source project with more people if you could. If you hope to be a contributor as well, please start from .
Here is the list of new contributors:
Thanks to you all.
Note: This robot is supported by Collabobot.