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What's Wrong?
After #6365, doris may do comapction when a tablet in altering.
base tablet:[0-62][63-64][65-65][66-66][67-67]
new tablet:[50-65][66-66][67-67]
begin compaction in new tablet: [50-65][66-66]
begin schema change converting: begin to remove all data from new tablet to prevent rewrite.
new tablet: [50-65][66-66][67-67] will move to TimestampedVersionTracker._stale_version_path_map
compaction end in new tablet: [50-66] will be inserted into new tablet.
begin convert base tablet to new tablet:
insert [0-62] to new tablet and new tablet will be[0-62][50-66]
insert [63-64] will fail.
version already exist, version revert occurred. tablet=XXXXX, version='63-64
[65-65] and [66-66] will fail too.
version already exist, version revert occurred. tablet=XXXXX, version='66-66
insert [67-67] to new tablet, and new tabelt will be: [0-62][50-66][67]
Because the removed rowset can be query now, check_version_integrity([0-67])
will success and the schema cahnge will success.
I0412 21:42:58.683157 60051 schema_change.cpp:1953] finish converting rowsets for new_tablet from base_tablet. base_tablet=XXXXX, new_tablet=XXXXX
I0412 21:42:58.700071 60051 engine_alter_tablet_task.cpp:52] success to create new alter tablet. res=0 base_tablet_id=XXXX, base_schema_hashXXXX, new_tablet_id=XXXX, new_schema_hash=XXXX
What You Expected?
- compaction should not add output rowset to tablet if the origin rowsets not in tablet's
. - schema change should check new tablet's
- tablet report should check if a tablet has intersected versions.
How to Reproduce?
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