Search before asking
- I had searched in the issues and found no similar issues.
i found this problem in dev-1.0.1, but i think master also exist this problem.
What's Wrong?
*** Aborted at 1657081551 (unix time) try "date -d @1657081551" if you are using GNU date ***
*** SIGABRT unkown detail explain (@0x792ae) received by PID 496302 (TID 0x7f5f9371d2c0) from PID 496302; stack trace: ***
0# doris::signal::(anonymous namespace)::FailureSignalHandler(int, siginfo_t*, void*) at /mnt/hdd01/repo_center/selectdb_dev-1.0.1/selectdb/be/src/common/signal_handler.h:420
1# 0x00007F5F93784040 in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
2# raise in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
3# abort in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
4# google::ReadFromOffset(int, void*, unsigned long, long) [clone .cold] at src/
5# 0x000055AAF89F471D at src/
6# google::LogMessage::SendToLog() at src/
7# google::LogMessage::Flush() at src/
8# google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal() at src/
9# doris::DiskIoMgr::~DiskIoMgr() at /mnt/hdd01/repo_center/selectdb_dev-1.0.1/selectdb/be/src/runtime/
10# doris::ExecEnv::_destroy() at /mnt/hdd01/repo_center/selectdb_dev-1.0.1/selectdb/be/src/runtime/exec_env_init.cpp:311
11# doris::ExecEnv::destroy(doris::ExecEnv*) at /mnt/hdd01/repo_center/selectdb_dev-1.0.1/selectdb/be/src/runtime/exec_env_init.cpp:340
12# main at /mnt/hdd01/repo_center/selectdb_dev-1.0.1/selectdb/be/src/service/doris_main.cpp:497
13# __libc_start_main in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
14# _start in /mnt/hdd01/SELECTDB_1.0.1_ASAN/be/lib/doris_be
What You Expected?
be without core
How to Reproduce?
it is hard to reproduce, i only met once.
1、build a cluster with 3 fe and 4 be(asan). maybe 1 fe and 1 be is ok, my environment is 3 fe and 4 be.
2、run regression test for many times.
3、kill -15 ${be_pid}
Anything Else?
No response
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