What happened?
When using the MergeInto statement, if you execute the filter method after obtaining the references attribute from the Expression object, the Attribute attribute you get will be the column names in the on clause, and you won't be able to correctly obtain the specific columns in the alias table.
Here is an example:
merge into target t using (select id,col from source) source s
when matched then update set a.col = b.col
when not matched then insert *;
In this way, I will get an UnsupportedOperationException. Exception message is "The condition {', '} is not allowed because it is not a primary key."
In org.apache.amoro.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.ResolveMergeIntoMixedFormatTableReferences#checkConditionIsPrimaryKey if using cond.references then i'll get ' with ',not id#1 or id#2.
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