⚠️ WARNING: This package has not been thoroughly tested yet, please report any bugs you run into. I will work on adding tests in the future but the version you are currently looking at with this warning was made in constrained time to use in a project
This package can be added to your Gleam project:
gleam add falcon
and its documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/falcon.
This package has not been documented, have a look in the test folder for more examples.
import falcon.{type FalconResponse}
import falcon/core.{Json, Url}
import gleam/dynamic
import gleam/io
import gleeunit/should
pub type PartialProduct {
PartialProduct(id: Int, title: String)
pub fn main() {
let decoder =
dynamic.field("id", dynamic.int),
dynamic.field("title", dynamic.string),
let client =
base_url: Url("https://dummyjson.com/"),
headers: [],
timeout: falcon.default_timeout,
|> falcon.get("/products/1", expecting: Json(decoder), options: [])
|> should.be_ok
|> fn(res: FalconResponse(PartialProduct)) { res.body }
|> io.debug
// Output: PartialProduct(1, "iPhone 9")
You don't need to, Hackney is probably enough for whatever you are doing but if you need a bit more configuration options or an axios-like interface, this is for you.
NOTE: part of the hackney bindings were taken from the official Gleam hackney bindings and modified