Research Group of the Prof. Eduardo Godoy
Repository of the R&D&I projects developed by the research group of the Prof. Eduardo Godoy at the São Paulo State University in Brazil
Sebastian Eicke
Innovation by digitalisation, standardisation, interconnection and automation
HARTING Technology Group Germany
Vitor Furlan de Oliveira
Jr Developer at Listo Sistemas
Master Student in Mechanical Engineering at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (USP).
Listo Sistemas São Paulo - SP. Brazil
Birgit Boss
topics of interest: digital twins & semantics in the context of industrial applications
Robert Bosch GmbH Stuttgart, Germany
Nico Braunisch
Nico Braunisch graduated at the TU Dresden with a diploma in computer science. Since then, he is doing his doctorate at the Chair of Industrial Communication.
TU Dresden, Faculty for Computer science, Institute for applied computer science, Chair for Industrial Communication Systems Dresden