Load sku -> shopify id info into redis and run a webserver exposing that info through /check/, where it returns empty for key not found and a string with a shopify id if it exists. Intended to be used with the shopify-partsmart client side integration.
requires the ruby version specified in .ruby-version
, currently 2.7.4
just use bundle install
, and everything except redis should be ready.
Redis is automatically started (and restarted) by systemd in the background, see /etc/systemd/system/redis.service
to check the status of the redis service use sudo systemctl list-units | grep redis
Currently run through a NGINX 'sites-enabled' configuration, see /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
SSL is automatically handled through lets-encrypt and cert-bot, see id_lookup.conf
To start the server, run puma & disown
, which starts the puma server and puts it in a background process.
To stop the server, you'll have to find the process id through ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -i puma
, and it should be the second number.
Something like 21356
, and once you have that number you can run kill
, for example: kill 21356
The expected environment variables (which can be put into a .env file) are:
- IDL_REDIS_HOST [OPTIONAL] (Redis.new host: )
there's only one uri: /check/<sku_to_check> it just returns either the key value, or an empty page. just text.
redis-server &
There's a docker-compose setup I had working at some point but not sure if it's working now
The redis database is managed primarily through 2 commands, redis:clear
and shopify:load
makes a database backup to 'dump.rdb.bak' and then clears all keys.
connects to shopify and populates the database with sku -> shopify id values for all products.
The 2 main files are Rakefile
and config.ru
defines the commands for managing redis and loading shopify info into redis.
defines the api and logs to logs/id_lookup.log.