⚡️ Simple Ionic Angular app to demonstrate the use of certain Capacitor ML Kit plugins.
Local PTY, USB and Bluetooth serial ports, SSH and Telnet terminal client for Android. Xwayland support (in dev only).
All SVG icons available on
DALL·E Playground (Unofficial) is used to play with OpenAI Image generation API - DALL·E
Keyboard Plugin for Cordova
aoikarasu / mudmapper
Forked from colinsenner/mudmapperMudmapper is a program which converts ROM 2.4 MUD area files to a format which Mudlet can use to create a map of the mud for users.
Mudmapper is a program which converts ROM 2.4 MUD area files to a format which Mudlet can use to create a map of the mud for users.
Anatolia MUD engine, based on DikuMUD, MERC 2.1, ROM 2.4
tbaMUD is the continued development of the codebase formerly known as CircleMUD.
Full featured, mature MUD supporting MSP, MXP, OLC, with a web server, mail server, and MORE!
A Windows MUD client written in C#/WPF for .NET 8.
BasedMUD is a DikuMUD/Merc/ROM/QuickMUD/BaseMUD derived MUD with MTH telnet support
Playground for patching stock Rom based on QuickMud for some good old fashioned stock play.
Node Websocket MUD Server. Demo:
Capacitor WebSocket Client Plugin.
node.js command-line interfaces made easy
Lightweight C/C++ Extended Kalman Filter with Python for prototyping
C# Outlook MSG file reader without the need for Outlook
Evented SMTP server for node.js