In order to help G6 create more user-friendly and easily accessible documentation, we hereby launch this project.
For those community users who have put forward important suggestions and made outstanding contributions during the improvement process of the G6 documentation, we will send AntV peripheral gifts 🎁.
You can participate in the following ways:
- Reply under this Issue with all kinds of problems you have found or think exist in the official documentation of G6 5.0.
For example, any situation where you think the G6 5.0 documentation is worthy of improvement, such as unclear expression, missing content, errors, etc.
- Contribute a PR for G6 for the problems or improvement points in the documentation and associate it with this Issue.
为了助力 G6 打造出更易于上手操作以及便捷查阅的文档,我们特此启动此项计划。
对于那些在 G6 文档改进过程中提出重要建议、做出突出贡献的社区用户,我们将送上 AntV 周边礼品🎁。
- 在该 Issue 下回复你所发现或者认为 G6 5.0 官方文档中存在的各类问题。
例如表述不够清晰、内容有所缺失、出现错误等任何你觉得 G6 5.0 文档有值得改进之处的情况。
- 针对文档中存在的问题或者改进点,为 G6 贡献 PR,并与该 Issue 相关联。