Brunch is a cheerful 🎉 and colourful 🌈 light and dark theme for Neovim using only 8-bit ANSI colours. It aims to offer a nicer theme for users with terminals without support for true colours.
There are a lot of great themes for Neovim, but most of them require true
colours. You may sometimes want to or have to use a terminal that doesn’t
support those. More specifically, I haven’t found a theme that I like with
the macOS
Brunch is a Catppuccin-inspired theme that aims to be a good-looking and usable theme for users with terminals that don’t have support for true colours.
- Supports most Neovim features.
- Usable as-is with terminals that support only 8-bit ANSI colours.
- Enhances terminal colours.
- Includes a light and dark theme.
- Integrates with many major plugins.
Use your preferred plugin manager to install Brunch.
{ "anttikivi/brunch.nvim", priority = 1000 }
use { "anttikivi/brunch.nvim" }
Plug 'anttikivi/brunch.nvim'
colorscheme brunch
vim.cmd.colorscheme 'brunch'
❗️ Note: Make sure to call
before setting the colour scheme withcolorscheme brunch
if you want to change the default options and settings.
You don’t need to call setup
if you don’t want to change the
default options and settings.
require('brunch').setup {
-- Sets the theme variant to use according to vim.o.background. The possible
-- values for the variants are 'sunday' and 'saturday'.
variants = {
dark = 'saturday',
light = 'sunday',
-- Configure the colors used when opening a `:terminal` in Neovim.
terminal_colors = false,
-- Style to be applied to various highlight groups.
styles = {
booleans = {},
comments = { 'italic' },
conditional = { 'italic' },
functions = {},
keywords = {},
loops = {},
numbers = {},
operators = {},
properties = {},
strings = {},
types = {},
variables = {},
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 licence. See the LICENSE file for more information.