This repository contains chapters, code, and organizational files for the book "Simplified Machine Learning Workflows".
The book is not finished yet -- it is a work in progress...
This book provides introductions, explanations, and demonstrations of different, frequently used Machine Learning (ML) workflows. The ML workflows discussed are built through monadic programming packages, and those packages should be easy to utilize after reading this book.
The programming languages used are Wolfram Language (WL) and R.
All code is available in both WL and R.
("Wolfram Language" and "Mathematica" are used as synonyms in this book.)
All of the WL monad packages are published in MathematicaForPrediction at GitHub.
All of the R monad packages are published in R-packages at GitHub, QRTMon-R, and ERTMon-R.
Most of the chapters are previously published in MathematicaForPrediction at GitHub.
"Monadic Programming: With Application to Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Language Processing", (2017).
"A Conversational Agent for Neural Networks: Construction, Training and Utilization", (2018).
"Quantile Regression workflows" at the useR! meetup, (2019).
"NLP Template Engine 1", (2021).
😅 ☕️ 😀
Anton Antonov
Windermere, Florida, USA