Tags: antoniogarrote/rdfstore-js
Toggle v0.9.17's commit message
- Fixing errors in results filtering
- Major rewrite of indexing logic for persistent store
Toggle v0.9.16's commit message
- Adding performance tests
- Small fixes
Toggle v0.9.15's commit message
- Fixing error in composed EXISTS filters
Toggle v0.9.14's commit message
- Fixing error in binding of FILTER expressions
Toggle v0.9.13's commit message
- Fixing issues with flags in REGEX filters
- Making it possible to register custom functions using URIs
Toggle v0.9.12's commit message
- Fixing error left outer join of optional BGP with Zero pattern
- Fixing error in filter aggregation and DISTINCt
- Fixing useless specs
Toggle v0.9.11's commit message
- Fixing bug in filter exists/not exists expressions.
Toggle v0.9.10's commit message
- isURI, isIRI and isLITERAL are valid functions
- nextTick is used in utils/eachSeries
- Fixing indexedDb transactions terminating before being used.
Toggle v0.9.9's commit message
- Adding BIND support
- Improving yielding of the stack
Toggle v0.9.8's commit message
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