"sitkoru/yii2-updater": "dev-master"
to require section of your composer.json
Enable module in console app config:
'updater' => [
'class' => \sitkoru\updater\Module::className(), //module class name
'path' => dirname(dirname(__DIR__)), //path to app
'versionFilePath' => 'version.php', //path to file to store version. Include this file in your app.
'currentVersion' => defined('APP_VERSION') ? APP_VERSION : 0.0, //current version. If empty, updater will try to get it from versionFile
'versionConstant' => 'APP_VERSION', //constant name to store version
'releasePrefix' => "origin/release-", //prefix to identify release branches in git
'assetsCommands' => [ //commands for publish assets
"./yii asset/compress app/config/main.assets.php app/config/bundles.php" //for example
'customCommands' => [ //commands for custom operations, like starting daemons or something else
"nodejs bin/chat.js" //for example
Other options you can see in Module.php
./yii updater/release
and follow instructions =)
Updater override yii's migrate functions to mark migrations with app version. Some advices:
Don't use it in dev mode =)
Don't use ./yii migrate on production
If you need to manually apply migrations, use ./yii updater/migrations/up 0 1.1 //replace 1.1 with real version