This is the repository for content for CS147, Fall 2012.
- 1 - Forms
Covers forms, input types, form submission methods (GET/POST)
- 2 - Login
Covers authentication using a database. Provides wireframes for sessions.
- 3 - Map
Covers Google Maps and geolocation using a supported browser. May require Firefox instead of Chrome for local use (though everything is fine uploaded to a remote server).
- 4 - Databases
A mock app that lets a user choose a movie and have it display automatically using AJAX.
- 5 - Facebook
Accompanies the vimeo video 31285445 and integrates Facebook's OAuth authentication into a sample webapp.
- 6 - Foursquare
Provides a rudimentary framework for accesing the Venues platform on the Foursquare API using latitude and longitude. It does not require user authentication as the data isn't relevant to a specific user. Includes an example of json_decode.
- 7 - HTML5 Audio
Demonstrates audio playback in mp3 and ogg formats. This is stripped down version of the Simple HTML5 Audio Player from Envato and is mobile-friendly.