by Ana Milesi
1. Clone or download the repository from:
2. Place it in C:/
3. Start Selenium selenium-standalone start # start selenium
4. Open cmd, go to C:/WebdriverIOTEsts, enter npm test
5. It should open 2 Chrome browsers and run the tests.
1. I spent a few time in order to learn how WebdriverUI works. But It was no too much.
2. Firstly, I tried to use Cucumber framework because I'm more familiarized than with Mocha.
But I had a lot of issues setting my environment (issues with Java, node-gyp).
I spent a few time trying to do it works but I couldn't so I decided to do it with Mocha.
3. I also had a few issues with timeouts, wait to load controls, etc
4. I couldn't implement a Custom Report, I had issues trying to implement it.
So I decided to leave it and use Spec reporter.
Another thing, I found a WebdriverUI bug :)
A typo in "depcrecated" word in the following warning:
"WARNING: the "keys" command will be depcrecated soon. Please use a different command in order to avoid failures in your test after updating WebdriverIO."