1)Implemented reversible database watermarking on MySQL database specified in https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/df4d/209172bc06c7d58a2368ee30221d89f3b6c6.pdf research paper
- This project have 2 tables
Orginial table can be viewed at
Watermrked table can be viewed at
3)To start the project enter,first import .sql files present in Dump20170404/ in your mysql databse on localhost and enter these commands in terminal after going in the project directory
source venv/bin/activate
python route.py
4)To start watermarking script
python controller.py
Api defination for some controller.py functions 1)copy_data_from_src_to_dest('source_table_name','destination_table_name') ->It will copy all the tuples of source table to destination table
2)watermark('table_name') ->It will watermark the table with table_name
3)compare_tables('table_1','table_2') ->It will compare both tables and print the percentage of tuples matched.
4)reverse_watermark('table_name') ->It will extract the watermark from the table with table_name.
5)list() ->It is used to provide view of orginal table.
6)update() ->It is used to provide view of watermarked table.