This Repo is used to record the process of killing (or being killed) by LeetCode.
Difficulty | Count | Proportion |
Easy | 17 | 24.64% |
Medium | 52 | 75.36% |
Hard | 0 | 0% |
Total | 69 | 100% |
Date | Problem | Difficulty | Category |
2022/09/12 | 0155 - Min Stack | Medium | Stack |
2022/09/12 | 0150 - Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation | Medium | Stack |
2022/09/12 | 0022 - Generate Parentheses | Medium | Stack |
2022/09/12 | 0739 - Daily Temperatures | Medium | Stack |
2022/09/12 | 0853 - Car Fleet | Medium | Stack |
2022/09/12 | 0704 - Binary Search | Easy | Binary Search |
2022/09/13 | 0074 - Search a 2D Matrix | Medium | Binary Search |
2022/09/13 | 0875 - Koko Eating Bananas | Medium | Binary Search |
2022/09/13 | 0033 - Search in Rotated Sorted Array | Medium | Binary Search |
2022/09/13 | 0153 - Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array | Medium | Binary Search |
2022/09/13 | 0981 - Time Based Key-Value Store | Medium | Binary Search |
2022/09/14 | 0206 - Reverse Linked List | Easy | Linked List |
2022/09/14 | 0021 - Merge Two Sorted Lists | Easy | Linked List |
2022/09/14 | 0143 - Reorder List | Medium | Linked List |
2022/09/14 | 0019 - Remove Nth Node from End of List | Medium | Linked List |
2022/09/14 | 0138 - Copy List with Random Pointer | Medium | Linked List |
2022/09/15 | 0141 - Linked List Cycle | Easy | Linked List |
2022/09/15 | 0287 - Find the Duplicate Number | Medium | Linked List |
2022/09/15 | 0002 - Add Two Numbers | Medium | Linked List |
2022/09/15 | 0146 - LRU Cache | Medium | Linked List |
2022/09/16 | 0226 - Invert Binary Tree | Easy | Trees |
2022/09/16 | 0104 - Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | Easy | Trees |
2022/09/16 | 0102 - Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | Medium | Trees |
2022/09/16 | 0199 - Binary Tree Right Side View | Medium | Trees |
2022/09/17 | 0543 - Diameter of Binary Tree | Easy | Trees |
2022/09/17 | 0110 - Balanced Binary Tree | Easy | Trees |
2022/09/17 | 1448 - Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree | Medium | Trees |
2022/09/17 | 0098 - Validate Binary Search Tree | Medium | Trees |
2022/09/17 | 0230 - Kth Smallest Element in a BST | Medium | Trees |
2022/09/18 | 0100 - Same Tree | Easy | Trees |
2022/09/18 | 0572 - Subtree of Another Tree | Easy | Trees |
2022/09/18 | 0235 - LCA of a Binary Search Tree | Medium | Trees |
2022/09/18 | 0105 - Construct BT from Preorder and inorder Traversal | Medium | Trees |
2022/09/19 | 0703 - Kth Largest Element in a Stream | Easy | Heap / PQ |
2022/09/19 | 1046 - Last Stone Weight | Easy | Heap / PQ |
2022/09/19 | 0621 - Task Scheduler | Medium | Heap / PQ |
2022/09/19 | 0355 - Design Twitter | Medium | Heap / PQ |
2022/09/20 | 0208 - Implement Trie | Medium | Tries |
2022/09/20 | 0211 - Design Add and Search Word Data Structure | Medium | Tries |
2022/09/21 | 0125 - Valid Palindrome | Easy | Two Pointers |
2022/09/21 | 0167 - Two Sum II | Medium | Two Pointers |
2022/09/21 | 0015 - 3Sum | Medium | Two Pointers |
2022/09/21 | 0011 - Container with Most Water | Medium | Two Pointers |
2022/09/22 | 0217 - Contains Duplicate | Easy | Arrays & Hashing |
2022/09/22 | 0242 - Valid Anagram | Easy | Arrays & Hashing |
2022/09/22 | 0049 - Group Anagrams | Medium | Arrays & Hashing |
2022/09/22 | 0347 - Top K Frequent Elements | Medium | Arrays & Hashing |
2022/09/23 | 0001 - Two Sum | Easy | Arrays & Hashing |
2022/09/23 | 0238 - Product of Array Except Self | Medium | Arrays & Hashing |
2022/09/23 | 0036 - Valid Sudoku | Medium | Arrays & Hashing |
2022/09/23 | 0271 - Encode and Decode Strings | Medium | Arrays & Hashing |
2022/09/23 | 0128 - Longest Consecutive Sequence | Medium | Arrays & Hashing |
2022/09/24 | 0078 - Subsets | Medium | Backtracking |
2022/09/27 | 0039 - Combination Sum | Medium | Backtracking |
2022/09/27 | 0046 - Permutations | Medium | Backtracking |
2022/09/27 | 0090 - Subsets II | Medium | Backtracking |
2022/09/28 | 0079 - Word Search | Medium | Backtracking |
2022/09/28 | 0131 - Palindrome Partitioning | Medium | Backtracking |
2022/09/28 | 0017 - Letter Combinations of Phone Number | Medium | Backtracking |
2022/10/03 | 0200 - Number of Islands | Medium | Graphs |
2022/11/10 | 0133 - Clone Graph | Medium | Graphs |
2022/11/10 | 0695 - Max Area of Islands | Medium | Graphs |
2022/11/10 | 0417 - Pacific Atlantic Water Flow | Medium | Graphs |
2022/11/16 | 0130 - Surrounded Regions | Medium | Graphs |
2022/11/16 | 0994 - Rottings Oranges | Medium | Graphs |
2022/11/16 | 0207 - Course Schedule | Medium | Graphs |
2023/03/09 | 0669 - Trim a Binary Search Tree | Medium | Binary Tree |
2023/03/09 | 0108 - Convert Sorted Array to BST | Easy | Binary Tree |
2023/03/09 | 0538 - Convert BST to Greater Tree | Medium | Binary Tree |
In memory of all the contributors who fought bravely against LeetCode.