After finish course 101 NEAR from dacade. I realized that the course has not yet implemented unit testing for smart contracts. In blockchain, writing unit tests is very important to increase security before publishing the contract on the mainnet.
The course using assembly script for smart contract, i plan to implement unit test by using as-pect and the syntax resembles RSpec. The library is well documented but sometimes the tests for the testing library might be the best source of examples to help you learn quickly.
First copy the contract in folder smartcontract from [101 Near] and run yarn
to install
Create the file as-pect.config.js to export module as-pec and add the following code:
module.exports = require('near-sdk-as/imports')
Inside folder assembly create a folder tests. Go to tests create 2 file
- as-pect.d.ts: This file is used to define types that used in as-pect and add the following code
/// <reference types="@as-pect/assembly/types/as-pect" />
- marketplace.spec.ts: This file create an entry for unit test
The project structure should look like this:
├── asconfig.json
├── assembly
| |──__tests__
│ | ├── as-pect.d.ts
│ | ├── marketplace.spec.ts
│ ├── as_types.d.ts
│ ├── index.ts
│ └── tsconfig.json
├── package.json
└── as-pect-config.js
Navigate to file marketplace.spec.ts assembly/__tests__/marketplace.spec.ts
- Import all function & model
import { buyProduct, setProduct, getProduct, getProducts } from '../index';
import { productsStorage } from '../model';
- Import u128 (to parse price amount) & VMContext (VMContext will help us in mock context when testing, such as attaching a deposit to a message.)
import { u128, VMContext } from 'near-sdk-as';
- Then copy these code:
describe("Test manipulate product data", () =>{
beforeEach(() => {
setProduct({"id": "100", "name" : "BBQ", "description": "Its BBQ",
"image": "", "location": "Mexico",
"price": u128.from('10000000000000000000000'), "owner": "dacade.testnet", "sold": 0});
it("should add product", () => {
"should only contain one listed product"
it("should get product", () => {
const listProduct = getProducts();
"name should BBQ"
expect(() => {
it("should buy product", () => {
expect(() => {
const listProduct = getProducts();
"sold should increase to 1"
Let check what we got here: describe
invoke the test , and check our test case with the correct order or not. We use beforeEach
to fund near to account test alice.near
and setProduct
BBQ in each successive test.
Now to run test open your terminal and type
yarn asp
After the test is finished, you will see that the results of the passing tests will look like this:
You can refer my previous project unit test, i've applied in this course.
git clone
cd near-101-dacade-unit-test
yarn asp