Is this a regression?
- Yes, this behavior used to work in the previous version
The previous version in which this bug was not present was
Exist a property that make all dialogs appear at the same exact size at this class:
max-width: var(--mat-dialog-container-max-width, 80vw);
If you replace it with this at style.scss now it works fine and resize based on your elements
.cdk-overlay-pane.mat-mdc-dialog-panel {
max-width: 100% !important;
StackBlitz link: No link
Steps to reproduce:
- use a dialog and try change your modal size using dialog config ex. width: '100%'
const dialogConfig: MatDialogConfig = {
hasBackdrop: true,
disableClose: true,
width: '100%'
At past versions it dosnt matter, resize based on your styles and structure.
Expected Behavior
Dialog resize based on component structure
Actual Behavior
Dialog size appear fixed and can't change base on component elements
- Angular: 18.0.3
- CDK/Material: 18.0.3
- Browser(s): Chrome
- Operating System (e.g. Windows, macOS, Ubuntu): Windows 11