This could be considered a feature request rather than a bug.
I use AngryIP to monitor my home network for troubleshooting and to identify "foreign" devices" AngryIP has proven to be the best application I've found for this, including paid apps.
Not all devices (including some phones) respond with a Vendor or Hostname, so once I have positively identified a device I add a description for it in the comments so that It can be more readily identified in the future. However, I've found that when a new IP address is assigned (e.g. when bringing a phone back into the house, the comment is lost, reverting to [n/a].
From my perspective, it would be much more useful if the comments were associated with the MAC Address rather than the IP address as these do not change. If other users have a need to associate comments with IP Addresses then this issue could be solved by having a settings switch to use one or the other identifier, or by adding a new comment field associated with a MAC address.
Thanks for considering this.