I'm starting to migrate a few projects to AKKA 2.6 from AKKA 2.*. The idea is to start using the new (and looks like now more mature) Akka Typed.
So I will use this repo to try the migration in a small project before to go ahead with the others.
This is a continuation of the Migrating/Comparision from Akka Classic to Typed but removing the Classic implementation part.
- Akka gRPC
- Akka Typed
- Akka Event Sourcing
- Akka Persistence
- Akka Stream Typed
Remind that the idea of this service is not to implement something cool but something to play with Akka Typed style.
So the functionality is really simple:
The server is a Counter service. It is going to keep the counter in the service along with the number of events created.
This is the list of services to expose:
- Inc will increment the counter the X times and increment one time the events counter.
- Incs like Inc service but in a streaming way.
- Get will return the counter and the number of events generated.
The definition is in the submodule protobuf-api
The client will stimulate the counter in different ways to play with, for example, back-pressure.
From the project root:
Assembly the project.
sbt clean universal:packageZipTarball
The server is using typesafe config configuration system, so it is possible to override all configuration:
- server.interface = interface binding. Default so listening from everywhere.
- server.port = Port listening. Default 8080
Running setting, for example, the server interface to listen:
bin/server -Dserver.interface=localhost
The implementation is using the Akka gRPC like the server, so it is using typesafe config configuration system.
- akka.grpc.client.example.api.CounterService.host = Server host. Default locahost
- akka.grpc.client.example.api.CounterService.port = Server port. Default 8080
Three different behaviors depending on the number of parameters:
- No parameters: Return the counter and the number of events generated.
- One parameter: Increment the counter X times.
- Two parameters: Execute the previous one as a stream, calling the service one time every value in the range.
Increment 10 with defaults
bin/client 10
In on terminal, execute the server:
$ bin/server
[2019-11-16 17:14:23,252] [INFO] [akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger] [CounterServer-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [] - Slf4jLogger started
[2019-11-16 17:14:23,366] [WARN] [akka.persistence.Persistence] [CounterServer-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-9] [Persistence(akka://CounterServer)] - No default snapshot store configured! To configure a default snapshot-store plugin set the `akka.persistence.snapshot-store.plugin` key. For details see 'reference.conf'
Counter server typed online at http://0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:8080/
In other terminal, execute the client:
$ bin/client
Current state: Accumulator [0] / Events executed [0].
$ bin/client 10
Successfully incremented.
$ bin/client
Current state: Accumulator [10] / Events executed [1].
$ bin/client 5 10
Incremented Done()
Incremented Done()
Incremented Done()
Incremented Done()
Incremented Done()
Incremented Done()
Incremented range [Range 5 to 10].
$ bin/client
Current state: Accumulator [55] / Events executed [7].
In the future, I will use this project to do add:
- Clustering
- Sharding