This project presents a Power BI sales report, analyzing sales trends across countries, products, and business segments. The report uses dashboards, decomposition trees, and key influencers to uncover factors affecting sales and profitability.
The dataset used is a sample sales dataset, and the report is designed to explore sales performance, product-wise revenue, discount impact, and key business drivers.
- Sales_Report_PowerBi_By_Angchekar.pdf – The full Power BI report in PDF format.
- Sales_Report_PowerBi.pbix – The Power BI project file (PBIX) for further exploration.
- – This file, explaining the project details.
The report highlights sales distribution across different countries. The United States, Canada, and France contribute the most to overall revenue.
Certain products, like Paseo and VTT, drive the highest sales and profits. Others rely on discounts, which impact overall profitability.
Factors affecting profit include discount strategies, cost of goods sold (COGS), and product sales volume. Higher discounts lead to increased sales but reduced margins.
Sales increase when units sold exceed 549 and discounts are above 55,387.5. The government and small business segments contribute most to revenue growth.
- Download Sales_Report_PowerBi_By_Angchekar.pdf to view the insights.
- Open Sales_Report_PowerBi.pbix in Power BI Desktop for interactive analysis.
- Open the PBIX file in Power BI.
- Modify filters, slicers, or data sources as needed.
- Publish to Power BI Service for real-time analysis.
- 📌 Kaggle Notebook: View on Kaggle
- 📌 Dataset (if applicable): Kaggle Dataset
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