The purpose of the system is to allow the user to store and retrieve clothing, clothing categories, and outfits of clothing. As such, it is letting user to:
- Search for clothes by name
- Return a list of clothes, their categories & which outfits they're in Upload a CSV file containing clothes and clothing categories in the following format:
name, category
iSwim Summer Bikini, Bikinis
iWalk Blue Jeans, Trousers
iWalk Dress Trousers, Trousers
- Tag clothes as part of an outfit
The service can customised by changing following settings
Setting | Description | Default value |
SERVER_HTTP_PORT | Server port | 8080 |
DB_NAME | Database name | wardrobe |
DB_HOST | Database server host | localhost |
DB_PORT | Database server port | 5432 |
DB_USER | Database user | user |
DB_PASSWORD | Database user password | 1234 |
DB_CREATE_SCHEMA | Whether to create a database schema on the system run? | true |
Use given sbt
commands to compile and test project.
sbt compile
- compiles projectsbt test
- runs unit testssbt docker
- builds a Docker imagesbt it:test
- runs Integration Testssbt run
- runs project
Execute docker-compose up -d
to start service dependencies as Postgres database.
Upon service run following set of the actions are available:
Path | Method | Response | Description |
/api/clothes | POST | 200 | Use endpoint to upload CSV file containing clothes and categories |
/api/clothes/:name | GET | 200 | Use endpoint to search clothes by name |
/api/clothes?offset=0&limit=10 | GET | 200/404 | Use endpoint to browse clothes. Apply an offset and limit to page results |
/api/clothes/:name/outfit | PUT | 200/500 | Use endpoint to tag clothes. The outfit must be provided in the body as { "name": "outfit" } |
- scala 2.13.6 as the main application programming language
- http4s typeful, functional, streaming HTTP for Scala
- doobie a pure functional JDBC layer for Scala
- cats to write more functional and less boilerplate code
- cats-effect The Haskell IO monad for Scala
- pureconfig for loading configuration files
- refined for type constraints avoiding unnecessary testing and biolerplate
- circe a JSON library for Scala
- scalatest and ScalaCheck for unit and property based testing
- testcontainers to run system dependant services for Integration Testing purposes
- sttp the Scala http client