🚀 The easiest, free and open-source Tailwind CSS component library with semantic classes.
Admin Dashboard Starter with React + Vite and Shadcn Ui
Kuboard 是基于 Kubernetes 的微服务管理界面。同时提供 Kubernetes 免费中文教程,入门教程,最新版本的 Kubernetes v1.23.4 安装手册,(k8s install) 在线答疑,持续更新。
This Next.js base template is designed as an easy starting point for Next.js projects. It comes with features such as theme switching, i18n (internationalization), and automatic sitemap generation,…
unibest - 最好用的 uniapp 开发框架。unibest 是由 uniapp + Vue3 + Ts + Vite4 + UnoCss + UniUI 驱动的跨端快速启动模板,使用 VS Code 开发,具有代码提示、自动格式化、统一配置、代码片段等功能,同时内置了大量平时开发常用的基本组件,开箱即用,让你编写 uniapp 拥有 best 体验。
⭐ A vue3 electron template, based on 'vite'
A boilerplate for quickly create high quality app with Electron, Vue3, TypeScript and Vite.
Curated list of project-based tutorials
🔋 Next.js + Tailwind CSS + TypeScript starter and boilerplate packed with useful development features
A pure front-end blog written using Vue3, Nuxt3, and the GitHub API,free deployment, online writing.一个使用Vue3,Nuxt3,GitHub API写的纯前端博客,免费部署,在线写作
🏕 Opinionated Vite + Vue Starter Template
Nuxt3+Vue3 online education SSR website. Nuxt3+Vue3实战在线教育SSR网站
Nuxt 3 best starter repo, Tailwindcss, Sass, Headless UI, Vue, Pinia, Vite, Eslint, i18n, Naive UI
a Nuxt 3 template and boilerplate with a lot of useful features. Nuxt 3 + Tailwindcss + Nuxt Layer
Easy-to-use Speech Toolkit including Self-Supervised Learning model, SOTA/Streaming ASR with punctuation, Streaming TTS with text frontend, Speaker Verification System, End-to-End Speech Translatio…
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