This class is an updates checker and UI for WordPress plugins that are hosted using the Simba Plugin Manager plugin.
It is intended for plugins that require the supply of access credentials (a customer email address and password) to gain access to updates. For plugins that are available to everyone, you should instead use Yahnis Elsts' plugin update class without any modifications:
There are two ways you can install this class, depending on whether you wish to use composer or not. We recommend using composer, so that your dependencies remain up-to-date without having to take manual actions.
If you do not already have a composer.json file, then create one.
"require": {
"davidanderson684/simba-plugin-manager-updater": "1.9.*"
If you already have one, then just add davidanderson684/simba-plugin-manager-updater to the list of requirements (remember to keep the JSON valid, of course).
Then, in the same directory, run "composer update" (assuming you already have composer installed).
Check out a copy of Yahnis' Elsts' plugin update class, version (
Download from and you can place it in a subdirectory "puc", relative to where this class is housed, such that the plugin updater class is in puc/plugin-update-checker.php. It will be looked for there if the composer directory does not exist. You should read the file composer.json
which is part of this (the update manager class) project to see which versions are compatible (don't download an incompatible version).
Now that you're installed, you need to include the class. Your plugin's constructor is a good place to do this.
If you are using composer, you should copy the updater.php file into your plugin (if you edit the bundled copy in-place, then it will get over-written when you update), in the same directory as your composer.json and vendor directory are (or if otherwise, modify the paths mentioned in it).
updater.php is a very short file. Find this line ...
new Updraft_Manager_Updater_1_9('', 1, 'plugin-dir/plugin-file.php');
... and:
Change it to point to the home URL of your WordPress site that is hosting the plugin (i.e. that is running the Simba Plugin Manager).
Change the 1 to be the user ID of the user on your WordPress plugin-distributing site who is hosting this plugin (i.e. the user ID logging into Simba Plugin Manager to provide updates of this plugin).
Change the plugin path to be the path (relative to the WP plugin directory, by default wp-content/plugins) to your plugin's main file.
That's it! A fourth parameter is also available, an options array. Available options (specified as key/value pairs) include: debug (boolean), require_login (boolean), auto_backoff (boolean), interval_hours (integer).