Capsule Reviews is a Kotlin-based movie and tv show database application for Android that lets its users to check out currently playing and upcoming titles, browse thousands of movies and tv shows, and create watch lists for your favorite ones.
Capsule Reviews uses a combination of the MovieDB API and popular Android Architecture Components with a clean architecture domain layer to provide a smooth experience for its users.
This project uses the Model-View-ViewModel architecture pattern.
- MMVM Architecture
- Repository pattern for clean domain layer
- REST API as Remote Datasource
- Room as Local Datasource
- Dependency injection with Hilt
- LiveData
Displays a glimpse of search results for popular movie endpoints including popular, top-rated, upcoming, etc.
Data is observed in the LiveData format by MoviesListViewModel and is displayed by the ListItemAdapter. Any user interaction over data is handled by MoviesListFragment.
- Displays top trending movie as a showcase
- Inserts showcase movie into local Favorite database
- Sends an action intent to play showcase movie trailer on YouTube
- Displays multiple lists of movies from various endpoints
Displays an endless scrolling list of movies using the Paging Library for popular movie endpoints including popular, top-rated, upcoming, etc. along with movies by genre.
Data is observed in the LiveData format by PagedMoviesListViewModel and is displayed by the PagedItemAdapter. Any user interaction over data is handled by PagedMoviesListFragment.
- Updates the data by genre
- Provides endless scrolling with paging
Displays details of a selected movie such as release date, rating, and overview, along with useful links to the IMDB page and movie trailer on YouTube.
Data is observed in the LiveData format by MovieDetailViewModel and is displayed by the MovieDetailFragment. Any user interaction over data is handled by MovieDetailFragment.
- Displays movie details
- Inserts movie into local Favorite database
- Shares movie's IMDB page link
- Sends an action intent to play movie trailer on YouTube
- Sends an action intent to display the movie's IMDB page
- Displays a list of similar movies
Displays a glimpse of search results for trending tv shows for various endpoints and networks.
Data is observed in the LiveData format by TvShowsListViewModel and is displayed by the ListItemAdapter. Any user interaction over data is handled by TvShowsListFragment.
- Displays top trending tv show as a showcase
- Inserts showcase tv show into local Favorite database
- Sends an action intent to play showcase tv show's trailer on YouTube
- Displays multiple lists of tv shows from various endpoints and networks
Displays an endless scrolling list of tv shows using the Paging Library for trending tv shows endpoints including popular, top-rated, etc. along with tv shows by genre and by a network.
Data is observed in the LiveData format by PagedTvShowsListViewModel and is displayed by the PagedItemAdapter. Any user interaction over data is handled by PagedTvShowsListFragment.
- Updates the data by genre
- Updates the data by network
- Provides endless scrolling with paging
Displays details of a selected tv show such as release date, rating, and overview, along with useful links to IMDB page and tv show trailer on YouTube.
Data is observed in the LiveData format by TvShowDetailViewModel and is displayed by the TvShowDetailFragment. Any user interaction over data is handled by TvShowDetailFragment.
- Displays tv show details
- Inserts tv show into local Favorite database
- Shares tv show's IMDB page link
- Sends an action intent to play tv show trailer on YouTube
- Displays a list of similar tv-shows
- Sends an action intent to display tv show's IMDB page
Takes a keyword input and displays a paged list of search results for movies and tv shows related to the keyword.
Data is observed in the LiveData format by PagedSearchResultsViewModel and is displayed by the SearchFragment. Any user interaction over data is handled by SearchFragment.
- Displays a list of search results
- Takes user input as a keyword
Displays lists of favorite movies and tv shows in a ViewPager. Allows the user to change the binge status for list items, display details, and remove them from the lists.
Data is observed in the LiveData format by FavoritesViewModel from the local database and is displayed by the FavoritesFragment. Any user interaction over data is handled by their respected fragments.
- Displays a list of favorite movies and tv shows in a tab layout
- Allows updating binge status for list items
Displays limited edition of details of favorite movies and tv shows in their respected fragments. Allows checking full details online.
Data is observed in the LiveData format by FavoritesViewModel from the local database and is displayed by their respected fragments.
- Displays a limited edition of movie/tv show details stored in the local database
- Allows displaying full details online
ViewModels are used prepare and deliver the data they observe from the repository classes to update the UI in Fragments. Data is emitted in LiveData format so any update to data will also cause the UI counterpart to asyncronously.
ViewModels are also responsible to listen for user interaction and update/manage the data provided by both the local and remote data sources.
Hilt is a dependency injection library for Android that reduces the boilerplate of doing manual dependency injection in your project.
Hilt provides a standard way to use DI in your application by providing containers for every Android class in your project and managing their lifecycles automatically. Hilt is built on top of the popular DI library Dagger to benefit from the compile-time correctness, runtime performance, scalability, and Android Studio support that Dagger provides.
In this project, Hilt is used to inject the following depedencies through the application component to the respected classes and interfaces:
- DBModule provides DAO to perform CRUD functions on local database
- NetworkModule provides interceptor instances to create an OkHttp client and a Retrofit instace to MovieDbService instance to handle network operations
- RepositoryModule provides repository instances the respective ViewModel classes
Consists of POJOs, getters, and setters.
Data classes that represents JSON responses fetched by various the API endpoints.
Interface consists of method signatures that are used to perform database operations on particular model objects.
App database class responsible for creating the local database and providing a singleton instance of it to the app.
Interface consists of functions API queries for various endpoints.
Handles network queries and database operations and provides data to respective ViewModels at runtime.
Entire app navigation is handled by the Navigation Component API.
This product uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb.
Copyright 2020, The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.