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Repository with spec files used to build RPM packages of HEP software

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HEPrpms is a collection of .spec files that enable creation of RPM packages for some widely used the HEP software. The binary packages build from HEPrpms spec files are available at




repositories. Most of the packages in these repositories are related to the High Energy Physics experiment/theory/phenomenology.

As of December 2023, the packages are built for Fedora 38, Fedora 39, Fedora rawhide, CentOS8, CentOS9 and OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. The packages are built on COPR service, however, other build platforms can be used as well.

apfel Copr build status Copr build status
applgrid Copr build status Copr build status
ariadne Copr build status Copr build status
binder Copr build status Copr build status
blackhat Copr build status Copr build status
cascade Copr build status Copr build status
cernlib Copr build status Copr build status
CGAL Copr build status
ginac Copr build status
chaplin Copr build status Copr build status
clhep Copr build status Copr build status
COCOA Copr build status Copr build status
collier Copr build status Copr build status
cuba Copr build status Copr build status
Delphes Copr build status Copr build status
EvtGen Copr build status Copr build status
f90cache Copr build status Copr build status
fastjet Copr build status Copr build status
fastnlo Copr build status Copr build status
FeynHiggs Copr build status Copr build status
fjcontrib Copr build status Copr build status
form Copr build status Copr build status
geant4 Copr build status Copr build status
ginac Copr build status Copr build status
golem95 Copr build status Copr build status
gosam Copr build status Copr build status
gosam-contrib Copr build status Copr build status
HepPDT Copr build status Copr build status
Herwig Copr build status Copr build status
hevea Copr build status
HJets Copr build status Copr build status
hoppet Copr build status Copr build status
hztool Copr build status Copr build status
iminuit Copr build status Copr build status
JetVHeto Copr build status Copr build status
LCIO Copr build status Copr build status
lhapdf-sets-Herwig Copr build status Copr build status
lhapdf-sets-whizard Copr build status Copr build status
LoopTools Copr build status Copr build status
MCFM Copr build status Copr build status
MC-TESTER Copr build status Copr build status
MG5_aMC Copr build status Copr build status
njet Copr build status Copr build status
nlojet++ Copr build status Copr build status
noweb Copr build status Copr build status
openloops Copr build status Copr build status
PHOTOS Copr build status Copr build status
Professor Copr build status Copr build status
PTL Copr build status Copr build status
pythia6 Copr build status Copr build status
python-uproot4 Copr build status Copr build status
qcdloop Copr build status Copr build status
qcdnum Copr build status Copr build status
qd Copr build status
qgraf Copr build status Copr build status
rapgap Copr build status Copr build status
recola Copr build status Copr build status
recola2 Copr build status Copr build status
recola2-SM Copr build status Copr build status
Rivet Copr build status Copr build status
SHERPA-MC Copr build status Copr build status
TAUOLA Copr build status Copr build status
TheP8I Copr build status Copr build status
ThePEG Copr build status Copr build status
tmdlib Copr build status Copr build status
topdrawer Copr build status Copr build status
ugs Copr build status Copr build status
VBFNLO Copr build status Copr build status
whizard Copr build status Copr build status
xbae Copr build status
YODA Copr build status Copr build status

Using the software repositories

To enable and use the software repositories on

CentOS8/9 and other RH-compatible distros:

  • Install EPEL (as root)
    yum install epel-release
  • Install copr plugin for yum and enable the HEPrpms (as root)
    yum install yum-plugin-copr
    yum copr enable averbyts/HEPrpms
  • Run yum to install the needed software, e.g. (as root)
    yum install Herwig 

There are no known conflicts between the EPEL/CentOS8 and HEPrpms repositories. However, if needed, the software can be black/whitelisted in /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo files using the exclude= or installonlypkgs= directives. See for details.


  • Enable HEPrpms with dnf (as root)
    dnf copr enable enable averbyts/HEPrpms 
  • Run yum to install the needed software, e.g. (as root)
    yum install Herwig 

There are no known conflicts between the Fedora and HEPrpms repositories. However dnf supports the same functionality as yum and black/whitelisting is possible, see for details.

SUSE Tumbleweed:

  • Add science repository (as root)
    zypper addrepo
  • Download the repository file of HEPrpmsSUSE
  • Replace the $basearch in the repository with x86_64
  • Install the repository file (as root)
    zypper addrepo averbyts-HEPrpmsSUSE-opensuse-tumbleweed.repo 
  • Install the needed software with (as root)
    zypper install Herwig

zypper uses another mechanism than yum or dnf to blacklist/whitelist packages. To exclude some conflicting packages one has to use zypper locks. Because the science repository has some packages with the same names as in HEPrpmsSUSE, it is recommended to add the following locks when using the HEPrpmsSUSE repository:

zypper al -r science  *YODA*
zypper al -r science  *Rivet*
zypper al -r science  *Herwig*
zypper al -r science  *ThePEG*
zypper al -r science  *fastjet*
zypper al -r science  *fjcontrib*
zypper al -r science  *SHERPA*
zypper al -r science  *geant4*
zypper al -r science  PTL*
zypper al -r science  form*
zypper al -r oss  *ginac*

Using the software repositories w/o root privileges

Installation of some packages in user mode is also possible, however, it is a bit more complicated and is, basically, requires copying and unpacking the RPM packages into a specific directory.

For RHEL8/9-compatible systems, the process can be simplified a bit using the yumdownloader script.

  • Copy the system yum.conf into some user directory.
    cp /etc/yum.conf ./myyum.conf
  • Get the .repo file for HEPrpms
  • Append averbyts-HEPrpms-epel-8.repo to the to the end of the myyum.conf:
cat averbyts-HEPrpms-epel-8.repo >> myyum.conf
  • Download the needed packages with yumdownloader command. Note: the dependencies will be downloaded as well.
    yumdownloader  --resolve  --downloadonly --config=./myyum.conf  --downloaddir=/my/download/directory    SHERPA-MC
  • Extract the content of downloaded RPMs, e.g.
 rpm2cpio /my/download/directory/SHERPA-MC-2.2.8-14.el8.x86_64.rpm  | cpio -idmv   /place/where/you/want/to/install/it

The usage of software installed in this way will require adjustments of $PATH, $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and potentially other environment variables.

Building the packages locally

It is possible to build packages locally if the following conditions are satisfied:

  • all the build-time requirements for the specific package are installed
  • the system has installed rpmdevtools and wget
  • internet connection is available

To build a package named mypackagename, run from the top directory of the source code

sh mypackagename mypackageversion --build

The .spec file located in mypackagename/mypackageversion will be parsed, the sources will be downloaded, source and binary packages will be built. If only SRPMS files are needed, the --build should be omitted. The whole build process will happen in mypackagename/mypackageversion/rpmbuild directory so multiple parallel builds of different packages/versions are possible. To build multiple packages in parallel, a wrapper script can be used.

When invoked, script checks for the presence of file in the mypackagename/mypackageversion directory. If the file is present, it will be executed. This is a simple and reliable way to produce some small patches or manipulate the sources.

Contributing to HEPrpms

If you have suggestions on how to improve the repositories please don't hesitate to create an issue or a merge request. A lot of useful documentation on the RPM packaging can be found

Dependencies and features

The packages are compiled with the maximal set of features. Some exceptions are listed at

Patches for the packages

For most packages the sources are taken from their upstream repositories and only some patches that allow for the builds are applied. However some packages contain an extended functionality of a larger amount of added codes, or even created from scratch. See details at All the patches are available in the repository.

Creating own spin-off repositories in COPR

It is quite easy to create own repository in COPR using just the web GUI and build the packages using "custom method". However, if there is a need, one can easily automate the process using the copr command-line client. The script below demonstrates a way to add multiple packages to myREPOSITORY for opensuse-tumbleweed-x86_64 using the command-line interface. Please note that copr command-line utilities and copr access token are needed.

declare -a BUILDLIST=( applgrid:1.5.46 YODA:1.8.5 )
mkdir -p log
for a in "${BUILDLIST[@]}" 
export name=$(echo $a | cut -f1 -d: )
export version=$(echo $a | cut -f2 -d: )
envsubst <<EOF >
git clone --depth 1
cd HEPspecs
sh  $name $version
copr add-package-custom myREPOSITORY \
        --name $name \
        --script \
        --script-resultdir HEPspecs/$name/$version/rpmbuild/SOURCES/ \
        --script-builddeps 'git rpmdevtools wget' \
        --script-chroot opensuse-tumbleweed-x86_64
mv log/$name$version


Repository with spec files used to build RPM packages of HEP software






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