University of Wollongong
- Wollongong, Australia
- https://andrewzm.wordpress.com
- @andrewzm
STRbook Public
Supplementary package for "Spatio-Temporal Statistics with R" by C.K. Wikle, A. Zammit-Mangion, and N. Cressie
NeuralEstimators_lean Public
Forked from msainsburydale/NeuralEstimatorsR interface to the Julia package NeuralEstimators -- lean version
HTML MIT License UpdatedAug 13, 2024 -
Source code for reproducing the results in the ARSIA paper "Neural Methods for Amortised Statistical Inference"
SBNN Public
Repository for reproducing results in paper "Spatial Bayesian Neural Networks"
deepspat-website Public
Website with information on work done on the DECRA award "Deep space-time models for modelling complex environmental phenomena" DE180100203
HTML UpdatedJul 4, 2023 -
MVST Public
An R-Software package for multi-variate spatio-temporal modelling
spherePP Public
Code for reproducing the application case study of the paper "Spherical Poisson Point Process Intensity Function Modeling and Estimation with Measure Transport" by James Ng and Andrew Zammit-Mangion
SpatialMultiScale Public
Reproducible code for the paper "Multi-Scale Process Modelling and Distributed Computation for Spatial Data"
task_views Public
Forked from r-spatial/task_viewsLocal copy for editing CRAN Task Views
R UpdatedFeb 5, 2019 -
sparseinv Public
Creates a wrapper for the SuiteSparse routines in C that us the Takahashi equations to compute the elements of the inverse of a sparse matrix at locations where the (permuted) Cholesky factor is no…
dggrids Public
Discrete Global Grids in data frame format for use in R (and Fixed Rank Kriging in particular)
1 UpdatedFeb 2, 2017 -
atminv Public
Supplement package for papers on atmospheric trace-gas inversion by Zammit-Mangion et al.
R UpdatedApr 10, 2016 -
medalplot Public
An R-Software package for visualising uncertainty in large-scale Gaussian systems
R UpdatedOct 6, 2015 -
knitr Public
Forked from yihui/knitrA general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R
R UpdatedOct 5, 2015 -
devtools Public
Forked from r-lib/devtoolsTools to make an R developer's life easier
R UpdatedOct 4, 2015 -
linalg Public
Yet another sparse linear algebraic routines package for R, with functions tailored for spatio-temporal modelling and inference with Gaussian Markov Random Fields.
C UpdatedOct 1, 2015 -