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Report the results of Polymer/tachometer in a comment for Pull Requests.

Picture of a PR comment generated by tachometer-reporter-action


Single benchmark job

Simply pass in the path to the resulting JSON file from running tachometer.

name: Pull Request Test

on: [pull_request]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      # Setup repo to run benchmarks
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v1
      - run: npm ci

      # Run benchmarks
      - name: Run tachometer and generate results file
        run: npm run tach --config benchmarks.json --json-file results.json

      # Read results and post comment
      - name: Report Tachometer Result
        uses: andrewiggins/tachometer-reporter-action@v2
          path: results.json

Multiple benchmark jobs

For multiple benchmark jobs, upload the result JSON files to an artifact. Then download the results in a final job that reports the results of all the files.

name: Multiple benchmark jobs example

on: [pull_request]

# Demo how to report results for multiple benchmarks that run in different jobs
# In this flow, a workflow must upload the results from each benchmark job as
# artifacts. Once all the jobs have finished, then run this action in a final
# job that downloads the results artifact and reports the results from all the
# jobs

  # If you'd like a message to appear in existing results comment that the
  # benchmarks are current running and the shown results are out of date, run a
  # job before the benchmarks with the initialize option set to true.
    name: Setup Tachometer Reporting
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Initialize tachometer comment
        uses: andrewiggins/tachometer-reporter-action@v2
          initialize: true

    name: First Bench Job
    needs: [setup]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # Setup repo to run benchmarks
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v1
      - run: npm ci

      # Run benchmarks. Ensure each job's results file has a unique name
      - name: Run tachometer and generate results file
      - run: npm run tach --config benchmarks.json --json-file bench_1.json

      # Upload this benchmarks results
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
          name: results
          path: bench_1.json

    name: Second Bench Job
    needs: [setup]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2

      # Add other tasks similar to bench_1 job to run the second benchmark. Make
      # sure each job results file has a unique name

      # Upload this benchmarks results
      # Since each result file has a unique name, we can upload to the same
      # artifact. GitHub Actions will append the new files to the existing
      # artifact. See the docs for upload-artifact to understand this behavior:
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
          name: results
          path: bench_2.json

    name: Report Results
    needs: [bench_1, bench_2]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # Download the results artifact
      - uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
          name: results
          path: results

      # Read all the results and post comment
      - name: Report Tachometer Result
        uses: andrewiggins/tachometer-reporter-action@v2
          path: results/*.json

Working with forks

Since the pull_request event doesn't have permissions to write comments to PRs when triggered by a PR from a fork, we'll instead use the workflow_run event to do the reporting. We'll build on the previous example of uploading the results to an artifact. This time however, we'll download the artifact and post the results to the PR from a workflow_run event.

In general, while this flow is the most complicated, this is the recommended flow as it should work for any PR that is opened against your repository.

Be sure to always run the benchmark in a pull_request event for security reasons. Just post the comment using this action in the workflow_run.

Pull Request workflow file

name: PR CI

      - "**"

    name: First Bench Job
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      # Run your benchmarks
      - run: ./
      # Upload the results to an artifact
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
          name: results
          path: results-1.json

    name: Second Bench Job
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
			- uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - run: ./
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
          name: results
          path: results-2.json

Workflow Run workflow file

name: Report Tachometer Results

    workflows: ["PR CI"]
    branches: ["**"]
      - completed
      - requested

  # Optional job to update existing comments with a "benchmarks are running" text
    name: Report benchmarks are in-progress
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    # Only add the "benchmarks are running" text when the workflow_run starts
    if: ${{ github.event.action == 'requested' }}
      - name: Report Tachometer Running
        uses: andrewiggins/tachometer-reporter-action@main
          # Set initialize true so this action just creates the comment and adds
          # the "benchmarks are running" text
          initialize: true

    name: Report benchmark results
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    # Only run this job if the event action was "completed" and the triggering
    # workflow_run was successful
    if: ${{ github.event.action == 'completed' && github.event.workflow_run.conclusion == 'success' }}
      # Download the artifact from the triggering workflow that contains the
      # Tachometer results to report
      - uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@v2
          workflow: ${{ }}
          run_id: ${{ }}
          name: results
          path: results

      # Create/update the comment with the latest results
      - name: Report Tachometer Results
        uses: andrewiggins/tachometer-reporter-action@main
          path: results/*.json


  • Pick a summary of comparisons to highlight at the top
  • See what benchmarks are currently running


tachometer-reporter-action will generate a summary of results for you if you provide a pr-bench-name and base-bench-name. This summary will take the results of comparing the results identified by the pr-bench-name vs. the results identified by the base-bench-name and put them at the top of the of the comment.

By default, if pr-bench-name or base-bench-name are not provided, then the first two benchmarks in the tachometer results will be compared.

You can also define which measures are summarized in the summary section. Pass the names of the measures you want to summarize to the summarize option. It accepts the value true (the default) to summarize all measures, false meaning to summarize nothing from this run, or a string of comma separated measurement names (e.g. measure1, measure2) to include in the summary.

In-progress benchmarks

Picture of a PR comment with icons indicating in progress benchmarks

To get a message in your comment to inform you if your benchmarks are currently running, add a job before your benchmarks that uses this action with the initialize: true input. This instance of tachometer-reporter-action will create a comment if none exists, or update an existing one with a message that the benchmarks are currently running.

See the Multiple benchmark jobs usage sample for an example of how to set this up.

Multiple measurements in one benchmark

Picture of a PR comment with multiple measurements per benchmark

Tachometer supports defining multiple measurements per benchmark configuration. In the summary section, we group summaries by measurements. In the result details for each benchmark, we build tables for each measurement in that benchmark.




The path to the results JSON file of the tachometer run.



Determines whether this action instance should initialize the comment to report results. Will also add "Benchmarks are running" text to existing comments.

Useful if multiple jobs are sharing the same comment. Pass in true if this job should always create the comment, false if this job should never create the comment, or leave empty if the default behavior is desired (wait a random time before creating comment if it doesn't exist. Due to race conditions, this could lead to duplicate comments and is not recommended if your workflow has multiple jobs using this action).

Generally this option is only necessary if you are running multiple jobs in the same workflow with this action. If so, create a "setup" job to that initializes the comment by passing initialize: true. Then each other job that actually reports benchmark results must declare the "setup" job as a dependency in its "needs" array. See the Multiple benchmark jobs usage sample for an example.


Specify which measurements to include in the summary for this benchmark. Accepts the following values:

true (default)
Include all measurements from this run in the summary section
Summarize nothing from this run
include string
Only include the listed measurements in the summary string. Must be a string of comma-separated measurement names (e.g. summarize: measure1, measure2)


Pass true to this option to automatically open this actions benchmark results in the PR comment. By default, all results are collapsed.


The benchmark or version (identified in Tachometer results by either the "name" field or "version" field) which represents the changes made in this PR.


The benchmark or version (identified in Tachometer results by either the "name" field or "version" field) which serves as the base this PR is to be compared against (e.g. the latest published version of your library/website).


Multiple comments

This action will create one comment per workflow that uses it. So if you have two workflows that each run two jobs that use this action (a total of 4 instances of this action), you should have two comments in your PR.

By default, tachometer-reporter-action relies on a timing heuristic so that multiple jobs don't try to create multiple comments at the same time. However this timing heuristic doesn't work for all workflow configurations. To workaround this use the initialize option to instruct only one tachometer-reporter-action instance in a workflow to initialize the comment all other tachometer-reporter-actions will share. See the Multiple benchmark jobs usage sample for an example.


The results are inserted into the comment based on the title of the benchmark that produced the results. So a workflow that has multiple jobs reporting results will show the results in the lexical order of their titles. The title for a result file is determined based on the name and version fields of the tachometer benchmark results.

Only latest updates are shown

If you quickly push to a PR, two different workflow runs could be triggered at close to the same time. Depending on how long the benchmarks take to run, the earlier workflow run running not the latest code could complete after the later workflow run running the latest code.

To prevent this situation, where older out-of-date results could override the latest results, only results that come from a workflow run with a run number equal or higher to the current run number in the comment will be written.

Cooperative comment locking

If your action has multiple benchmarks running in different jobs, it is possible that the reporter-action will try to overwrite each other's results if both jobs read the comment before either has updated it with their results. In this situation, both jobs get a view of the comment with no results and only adds their results to the comment. The last job whose update is written would overwrite the update of the other job.

To mitigate this situation, this action implements a basic "locking" mechanism on the comment. Before any job can make significant changes to the comment, it must first write an empty span to the comment with an ID and wait a short time to ensure all other jobs have seen it's span, claiming the comment as locked. If another job sees that this span exists, it will wait a random amount of time before trying to acquire the comment lock for itself. This protocol isn't perfect, but it is likely good enough for our purposes.


Report the results of Polymer/tachometer in a comment for PRs






Contributors 4
