A simple project for implementing degree-n 2D Bezier Curves and related concepts.
- It is built using C++.
- Rendering is performed using OpenGL, shaders, gl3w and glfw3.
- User interface is implemented using imgui.
- Saving .tiff image is done using DevIL.
- Uses file selection and saving dialogs from Tiny File Dialogs.
Related concepts implemented in the project include:
- Raising the degree of the curve.
- Remapping the parameterization range from 0-1 to any x-y.
- Extending the curve for t<0 and t>1.
- Curve subdivision at given parameter t (generating two independent Bezier Curves).
The current implementation can be immediately adapted for 3D Bezier Curves. Currently, all Z-coordinates are set to 0.0.