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André Freitas edited this page Jun 9, 2015 · 16 revisions

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Schwa is a tool that analyzes Git Repositories and estimates the defect probability of Software components to help developers focusing their resources to fix bugs where they really are. It is developed along with a Master Thesis entitled "Software Repository Mining Analytics to Estimate Software Component Reliability" at the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto.

Finding and fixing software bugs is expensive and have a significant impact in the developer’s effort. Software repositories have hidden information that can be explored to predict defects and then focusing resources on the right components, to fix bugs more efficiently. The hypothesis is that is possible to estimate component’s reliability mining software repositories. Fault localization techniques can benefit from defect prediction techniques, so we aim to create a tool that integrates with Crowbar, called Schwa.

How it works?

We have build a presentation that explains the scientific principles used and the most important algorithms. You can view the slides here.


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