With love by Lisk official liskit delegate, for donation 10310263204519541551L
Explore the Lisk or forked Lisk network retrieving information about your delegate
- /ping (check bot status)
- /watch start/stop delegateName (activating/stopping forging monitoring on a delegate)
- /forged start/stop delegateName (activating/stopping forging block notification on a delegate)
- /voted start/stop delegateName (activating/stopping votes notification on a delegate)
- /balance delegateName (check balance for delegate name)
- /rank delegateName (check rank for delegate)
- /markets bittrex | poloniex (check last 24h markets) | if available
- /height (check height from node with the highest one)
- /status http/s IP PORT (check height from delegate node) --> ask to liskit delegate the BOT IP so you can whitelist it
- /list monitoring/forged/voted(show the delegates you are watching/receiving forging and votes notifications)
- /uptime delegateName (check uptime for delegate name)
- /pkey delegateName (check public key for delegate name)
- /findbypkey pkey (find delegate from public key)
- /address delegateName (check address for delegate name)
- /voters delegateName (check voters of delegate name)
- /votes delegateName (check votes made by delegate name)
- /reward address (if the address is voting the pool it returns the informations about the pool reward)
- @liskitbot
- @asktoshiftbot
Twitter @liskitHQ