Monitors CS2 skin marketplaces for good discounts and notifies via Discord webhooks.
Discord Link to Skin Alert
- Skin Alert is a discord community I made that uses this program! Feel free to join :)
- For Skin Alert, the program is being ran off my Raspberry Pi - hopefully switching to a VPS
- You can contact me if any questions you might have in the Discord or Github
- csfloat
- skinbid
- Utilize docker
- Incorporate a default marketplace to compare discounts to (i.e. buff163)
- Incorporate more marketplaces
- Ability to interact with a Discord bot to create a private channel which will only update with wanted skins
- Copy the repo
- Install the, requests and pytest module
- pip install discord
- pip install requests
- pip install pytest
- Create "" in "src" directory and implement the following inside:
- oneToTenPercentWebhook = ""
- elevenToFifteenPercentWebhook = ""
- sixteenToTwentyPercentWebhook = "
- twentyOnePlusPercentWebhook = ""
- stickerWebhook = ""
- updateWebhook = ""
- bot_token = "BotTokenExample"
- Make sure you're not on Python 3.12 as there's an issue with the requests package, I am currently on Python 3.11.1
- run "python3 src/" for main program
- optional - if you have a bot you can run "python3 src/" - useful for my case as the program is run off a Raspberry Pi, letting me know if program is running (if bot is online)
- to run tests run "pytest"