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Script Arguments

joseLuís edited this page Feb 2, 2017 · 9 revisions

Table of Contents

The script receives its arguments in the form of flags, both short and long. You can display the help from the console with the -h, --help flag.

Most of the flags expect an argument value, while others don't. Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.


You can write the short argument flags either connected or separated. It's also possible to join a value to its previous flag:

  • webera -t -L 2
  • webera -tL2

But remember that values must be always separated from the next flag:

  • webera -L2t # Wrong
  • webera -L2 -t

Long flags must be always separated from other flags with whitespace. And when they have an argument, they must separate it with an equal sign =, and nothing more:

  • webera --process-templates --log-level=2
  • webera --log-level=2 --process-templates

Usage Examples

The following examples demonstrate common usage situations, featuring both long and short flags.

  1. Process the templates, and write a level-2 logfile, after clearing any previous log:

webera --process-templates --clear-log --log-level=2

webera -t -cL2

  1. Process both the templates and the resources, and then preview using a custom browser:

webera --process-all --preview --browser-bin=vivaldi

webera -awW vivaldi

  1. Process resources from a custom resources directory to a custom output directory, with spaces in the path:

webera --process-resources --dir-resources=resB/ --dir-output="out B"

webera -rR resB/ -O "out B"

  1. Generate a new config file using the provided name, and write there the custom settings for the server and port.

webera --new-config --file-config=conf/webera.conf --server-type=php --server-port=8080

webera -nF conf/webera.conf -S php -P 8080

List of Flags


Using at least one operative flag is required in order for the script to do something.

The operative flags can not be configured in a file or config string. They can only be used as a script argument.

-t, --process-templates

Process the templates.

By default it takes the templates from the tem/ directory.

You can use another directory with the -T, --dir-templates flag.

-r, --process-resources

Process the resources.

By default it takes the resources from res/.

You can use another directory with the -R, --dir-resources flag.

-a, --process-all

Process both the templates and the resources.

-w, --preview

Preview the website in the web browser.

For that it will use the current server settings.

-n, --new-config

Generate a new configuration file.

This option wont overwrite a previously existing file. In order to do that you must manually delete it first.


-F, --file-config=<FILE>

Indicate the configuration file for the project.

  • Value: <FILE> must be a path to file desired to be used as configuration.

    When using the -n, --new-config flag, this will be the path of the newly created config file.

  • Default value: .weberarc

  • Related info: Configuration: order of priority

-C, --config=<STRING>

Pass some configuration as a string.


-T --dir-templates=<DIR>

Indicate the templates directory.

  • Value: <DIR> must be a valid path to a directory.
  • Default value: tem/
  • Config variable: DIR_TEMPLATES
-R, --dir-resources=<DIR>

Indicate the resources directory.

  • Value: <DIR> must be a valid path to a directory.
  • Default value: res/
  • Config variable: DIR_RESOURCES
-O, --dir-output=<DIR>

Indicate the output directory.

The output directory will be deleted first, unless the -d, --dont-delete-output flag is used.

  • Value: <DIR> must be a valid path to a directory.
  • Default value: out/
  • Config variable: DIR_OUTPUT
-B, --dir-build=<DIR>

Indicate the build directory.

  • Value: <DIR> must be a valid path to a directory.
  • Default value: build/
  • Config variable: DIR_BUILD
-d, --dont-delete-output

Don't delete the output directory.

Avoids deleting the output directory before processing the templates and/or the resources.


-L, --log-level=<NUMBER>

Indicate the log level.

The higher the number the more info will be dumped into the log file. 0 means no info will be logged.
NOTE: Warnings and errors are always outputted to STDERR.

  • Value: <NUMBER> must be a number between 0 and 3.
  • Default value: 0
  • Config variable: OPTION_LOG_LEVEL
-G, --log-file=<FILE>

Indicate a new path for the log file.

If the file exists, the log will be appended to it, unless the -c, --clear-log flag is used.

  • Value: <FILE> must be a file path.
  • Default value: log.txt
  • Config variable: LOG_FILE
-c, --clear-log

Clears the log file.

If the log file already exists, clears the contents before starting to write the log.


-W, --browser-bin=<BIN>

Indicate the web browser binary to use for previewing.

  • Value: <BIN> must be a valid binary in path for running the browser.
    E.g.: chromium-browser, google-chrome, opera, vivaldi, elinks...
  • Default value: firefox
  • Config variable: WEB_BROWSER
-S, --server-type=<TYPE>

Choose the supported type of server to use for previewing.

  • Value: <TYPE> must be a supported server type. (See table below)
  • Default value: python
  • Config variable: SERVER_TYPE
Server Type Description
python Use python's built-in server
php Use php's built-in server
none Don't use any server
custom Use the custom commands set in SERVER_START and SERVER_STOP config variables
-H, --server-host=<HOST>

Indicate the server host.

  • Value: <HOST> must be a valid domain name or IP.
  • Default value: localhost
  • Config variable: SERVER_HOST
-P, --server-port=<PORT>

Indicate the server port number.

  • Value: <PORT> must be a valid port number, between 1 and 65535.
  • Default value: 8192
  • Config variable: SERVER_PORT


-h, --help

Displays the usage help and exits.


Prints out the variables used in the script, both public and private, for debugging.

       Line Format | Info
       ----------- | ----

[vdef]::<var><value> | list of variables with their default value [file]:<path>:<var><value> | list of variables set via file configuration [strn]::<var><value> | list of variables set via config string [args]::<var><value> | list of variables set via script arguments