This Project is the Back-End database management for Hack Reactor bootcamp in this repo I have a legacy database in which I need to Extrace, Transform, and Load into 2 new Databases. Then tested with K6 and to check for area of optimization and compare which Database is best suited for the project.
An nvmrc
file is included if using nvm.
- Node 6.13.0
- axios 0.21.1
- React 17.0.2
- React-dom 17.0.2
- body-parser 1.19.0
- express 4.17.1
- fastify 3.18.1
- mongoDB 3.6.9
- mongoose 5.12.14
- pg 8.6.0
for development enviroment
- @babel/core 7.14.6
- @babel/preset-env 7.14.7
- @babel/preset-react 7.14.5
- babel-loader 8.2.2
- webpack 5.43.0
- nodemon 2.0.10
- jest-dom 4.0.0
- react-test-render 1.1.2
- react-test-renderer 17.0.2
- database to store user's login information
- database to store user's favorites
- additional styling
- additional detail blocks
- Modal for on-click pictures to expand