A simple Harry Potter inspired text based adventure game written entirely in Python.
NOTE: This project was pushed to Github after the development process was completed.
I've been a Harry Potter fan my whole life. I've always loved how expansive and descriptive the "wizarding world" was in the novels, so I wanted to recreate the universe in a game. This game replicates the first 5 chapters of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" by J.K. Rowling. Players can navigate through text excepts of these chapters, eventually arriving at an interactive version of Chapter 5: Diagon Alley. A player, as Harry Potter, can explore the world of Diagon Alley through text commands, while on a scavenger hunt for magical school supplies.
To start the game, the user must install Python. To do so, please visit: https://www.python.org/downloads/ Open a command line window in the project directory and run:
python project.py
The instructions will walk a player through the rules of gameplay.