This is somewhat related to the issue I just posted in the Libsmu area. I have an m1k board that is in programming mode ( seen as ADALM1000 SAM-BA WinUSB device in Device Manager. I just installed a fresh copy of Pixelpulse and when I run it with this m1k plugged in I get this screen.
When I click on the up date firmware button it pauses for a few seconds and when it come back it is still seeing the board as in programming mode, There is no message about power cycling the board to complete the update process. If I click on refresh list before unplugging the board it still reports as being in programming mode. If I power cycle the board with Pixelpulse still running it still see it in programming mode even after clicking on refresh list.
If I close and restart Pixelpulse it now sees the board and is working.
Just thought you might want to make the full process of flashing the firmware more clear and explicit.