solidity smart contract for token with mechanism to transfer to another solidity chain
Demo interface web3 driver in reactjs
Propose and implement a set of smart contracts that allow transfer of tokens between Ethereum and another major blockchain of your choice. Your proposed system should meet the following constraints:
- # of issued tokens = sum (# of accessible tokens on Ethereum) + sum(# of accessible tokens on 2 nd chain), i.e. no double spending
- Token exchange will take O(1) speed, i.e. will take roughly same time regardless of what point of time it is initiated
- … all the security guarantees of a normal Ethereum transaction
The presented problem largely relies on availability of communication between two chains.
A crosschain atomic swap solution cannot work due to having only a single party requesting a transfer. If two parties were looking to make a trade a simple crosschain atomic swap would work.
If two chains were able to pass validated data back and forth, a contract can be created to allow the transfer of tokens from one chain to another, but that is not possible as of today.
The task requires validated data to be transported securely from chain A to chain B to validate the intent to transfer from chain A to chain B, locking up/burning of tokens in chain A and minting/releasing of tokens on chain B.
As of today, oracle solutions are limited in what they can provide in terms of reliability and consistency, so for that particular solution I decided to rely on a trusted party or potentially a consortium of parties, known from here on as 'validators.'
For this a user U1 on chain A is able to initiate a crosschain transfer for N tokens to user U2 on chain B, which would burn those tokens and emit a CrosschainSend event with the following information: user U1 address, originating chain ID (an arbitrary number identifying the chain), user U2 address, destination chain ID, and amount of tokens in wei.
A validator or a set of validators can listen to the event and behave as trusted entities sending a confirmation transaction to chain B, confirming the transfer and minting the tokens.
Each validator will send transaction to validateCrosschainTransfer with the appropriate data received in the CrosschainSend event.
After a certain amount of validators have voted and a set threshold is met, the tokens are minted and transferred to user U2.
In this solution, we can mitigate potential of a single validator becoming compromised. Further incentives can be provided to keep the validators honest such as staking and validation rewards. Also, by setting a threshold of n out m validators as threshold for finalizing a transfer we prevent downtime caused by a 1 or more validator being offline in the case of n out n validators required to finalize a transfer.
For simplicity and demo purposes, the solution provided here is a single solidity contract that can be deployed to different EVM chains. This particular prototype uses a single chain of your choice, and deploys two contracts, where a single account assumes all roles, U1, U2 and validator.
- A single user facilitates need to transfer, without a second counterparty, preventing the ability to implement a two user crosschain atomic swap
- The token transfer is provided by the validators as a service, and all gas/costs used to validate crosschain transfers is not reimbursed by the user.
- A simple user facing system can keep track of all crosschain transfer that are pending or completed to promote trust for the end user.
Update the chain host, port, and network_id in truffle.js
Update websocket to the chain in client/src/getWeb3.js
requires truffle to be installed globally
run npm install in root
run npm install in client
force compile and migrate contracts: truffle migrate --reset --compile-all
start ui: cd client && npm run start