Feeling Moody is an application that keeps track of your daily mood. It is design to help users track and manage their anxiety. Keeping tabs on your emotions can help you identify your go-to thought patterns and major anxiety triggers. With this information, you'll be able to dig deeper into why those triggers resonate so strongly with you and the app will provide suggestions for how to deal with them more effectively.
- As a user, I want to enter my mood in the AM.
- As a user, I want to enter my mood in the PM.
- As a user, I want to get my daily average.
- As a user, I want to see my current mood ratings.
- As a user, I want to be able to save my current mood to file.
- As a user, I want to load my mood log from file when the program starts.
- As a user, when I quit the application menu, I want the option to save my current mood to my log.
- In the AM Mood tab, you can generate the first required event by selecting a mood rating on the slider. Once you picked a rating, press the Set button to set the mood.
- You can generate the second required event by using the combobox below and selecting the day you want to set this mood rating to (selected day and rating will be printed below in the text panel). Press Save! button to save mood entry.
- Entering and setting PM mood is the same as AM mood but is done in the PM Mood tab.
- You can generate the average mood for the day by using the combobox provided in the Daily Average tab. Select the day and the average will be printed out.
- You can load your current mood ratings in the Week Log tab. Select the day using the combobox and the mood log will be printed.
- You can trigger my audio component by using the Set and Save Mood! buttons in the AM Mood and PM Mood tab.
- You can save the state of my application by clicking the Save Mood! buttons in the AM Mood and PM Mood tab.
- You can reload the state of my application by closing the application and reopening it up with the last saved ratings loaded (automatically reloads when you start up the application).
- Option chosen: Make appropriate use of the Map interface somewhere in your code.
- The map was used in the class MoodLogs in the model package.
- The key type is a String and the values type is an ArrayList of Mood Logs.
- I also added methods in the GUI class (addMoodLogToMap() and addSaveMoodLogToMap()), where the last saved Mood Log (when app was closed) and the new Mood logs added (when application is currently open), is added to the map. Mood logs are printed in the console.