The goal of widgetframe is to be able to embed widgets inside iframes using NPR's Pymjs library for responsive iframes.
This package provides two functions frameableWidget
, and frameWidget
. The frameableWidget
is used to add extra code to a htmlwidget which allows it to be rendered inside a responsive iframe. The frameWidget
returns a htmlwidget which displays content of another htmlwidget inside a responsive iframe.
- Works With
- Flex Dashboard: Check out this Demo.
- RMarkdown + knitr: Check out this Demo.
- RMarkdown Website: Check out this Demo.
- Xaringan Presentations: Check out this Demo.
should also work with other RMarkdown + knitr based presentations. - Bookdown gitbook: Needs a Makefile, but works. Check out this Demo.
- blogdown: Check out this Demo.
- Does Not (Yet) Work With
- Shiny
Release version
OR development version
if(!require(devtools)) {
The frameableWidget
function should be used when you need a HTML which can be embedded in a CMS system like WordPress/blogger or a static HTML website using the Pymjs library.
l <- leaflet() %>% addTiles()
The resulting leaflet.html contains the necessary Pym.js Child initialization code and will work inside a regular iFrame or better yet a Pym.js responsive iFrame. It is expected that the site which is going to embed this widget's content has the necessary Pymjs Parent initialization code as described here.
function takes an existing htmlwidget as an argument and returns a new htmlwidget which when rendered, wraps the input htmlwdiget inside a responsive iFrame. This function can be used to knit htmlwidgets such that they are unaffected by the parent HTML file's CSS. This could be useful in bookdown or R Markdown Websites to embed widgets such that they are unaffected by the site's global CSS/JS.
You can use widgetFrame
inside your R Markdowns as shown below.
```{r 01}
l <- leaflet(height=300) %>% addTiles() %>% setView(0,0,1)
```{r 02}
ts <- dygraph(nhtemp, main = "New Haven Temperatures",
height=250, width='95%')
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